Student Spotlight: Marvin Jones
This academic year, sophomore communications major Marvin Jones joined UC Libraries as an OhioLINK Luminaries intern. As part of the program, Marvin is working in various departments and units, including the Press, Archives and Rare Books and Content Services.
As part of the OhioLINK Library Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative, the Luminaries Program offers students a unique, paid opportunity in academic libraries not available in traditional internships or part-time campus employment.
As a resume-building position offering hands-on experience, the OhioLINK Luminaries students receive a broad introduction to the information studies profession—its purpose, value and expertise. Students are paired with a mentor to gain valuable knowledge in the Libraries and Information Sciences field and to develop marketable skills that are extendable to a variety of career disciplines. The program provides experiential learning, valuable training and support within a professional and structured work environment, while also creating a network for current and former program participants.

Following is an interview with Marvin about his experience thus far with UC Libraries.
Before beginning to work in UC Libraries, what, if any, experience did you have with libraries?
I had been to the public library in elementary school. The main purpose back then was for the computers and to check out books sometimes. I had been to Langsam Library a good amount of times, but just as a homework/chill spot.
Why were you interested in working in UC Libraries?
The opportunity for people of color was what stood out to me. Also I knew there was more to libraries than what’s typically portrayed about them! This is something to add to my resume as well! Lastly, the pay was solid.
What are some things you’ve learned working in UC Libraries?
There are so many different aspects to the libraries: learning about who and how things are preserved and digitized; how archival materials are stored and located; who are the ones in charge of publishing material; and how to use Mail Chimp, for example.
Has working in UC Libraries changed your perception of libraries? If so, how?
Yes, it has. I used to think libraries were just front desk workers who sort books that they get in. Now I know that there are so many types of jobs and opportunities here.
What are your goals for your continued time working in UC Libraries?
To just continue to grow, to expand my knowledge of libraries and to continue to put myself out there.
What are your career and/or academic goals?
I plan on being an investigator/ or forensics science.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
I like to watch shows & movies, listen to music, paint and practice the trumpet or violin. Or even hanging out with friends.
Anything else you want to add that I haven’t asked?
I WOULD 100% recommend working here if given the chance.