by Heather Maloney and Kellie Tilton
UCBA Library Director, Heather Maloney and Instructional Technologies Librarian, Kellie Tilton headed to Orlando, Florida for the American Library Association Annual Conference.
Heather Maloney attended a pre-conference session on Transforming the Contributions of Student Employees in Your Library and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the passionate opening session speaker, Michael Eric Dyson. The exhibit floor was filled with the familiar and the new and probably a few too many giveaways…but how do you say no to a free book?!
- Heather Maloney, UCBA Library Director
- ALA celebrates it’s 140th birthday
- ALA Annual Conference
- Program for General Session speaker, Michael Eric Dyson
- Heather’s conference swag.
Kellie Tilton spent a good chunk of time at ALA sitting in a, thankfully, air-conditioned hotel conference room for her super-secret Alex Committee meetings. She also managed to check out the fireworks at Epcot (sorry, IllumiNations) and had a blast wandering the exhibit hall. Swag she was most excited about? The Ruth Bader Ginsburg tote bag she will add to her collection.
- Instructional Technologies Librarian, Kellie Tilton, at the American Library Association Conference. June 2016.
- ALA in Orlando, FL
- ALA Exhibits Hall
- Library of Congress Exhibit Booth
- Make Your Own Zine table
- Disney Conference Ribbon
- Librarians Step Guide
- Fireworks at IllumiNations