The University of Cincinnati Libraries RESPECT (Racial Equity Support Programming to Educate the Community Team) has as its charge to use library resources to expand programming and resources that provide library users with the tools to understand systemic racism in order to begin dismantling it. Upcoming, RESPECT is sponsoring three events that are free and open to all to attend.
Sum of Us Book Club Conclusion with Matthew Carter – Friday, April 5, 10-11am, Walter C. Langsam Library 475

The “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee book club will culminate in a final wrap-up discussion on Friday, April 5 in-person and facilitated by Sinclair Community College’s Chief Diversity Officer Michael Carter.
Preventing Systemic Discrimination of People with Disabilities – Tuesday & Wednesday, April 9 & 10, 12-1:30pm, Walter C. Langsam Library 462
Matthew Sauer, assistant director of accessibility resources at UC Clermont College, will lead a two-day workshop on “Preventing Systemic Discrimination of People with Disabilities: How You Can Initiate the First Steps.” Attendees will participate in hands-on activities and develop individual stories to build an understanding of the systematic discrimination of persons with disabilities. The result of the workshops will be to envision a strategy for building a culture of inclusion at the university and in UC Libraries with the hope that the feedback from these sessions will lead to annual events regarding the impact of eliminating systemic intolerance in favor of equity.
RSVP requested. Lunch will be provided both days.
Protests, Boycotts, Lawsuits and Persistence – Thursday, April 11, 3:30pm, Walter C. Langsam Library FEC 540E
Linda Newman, leader in the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati, Iris Roley, Program Director of CBUF, and Al Gerhardstein, civil rights attorney, will lead a discussion on Protests, Boycotts, Lawsuits and Persistence: Reflections on Police Reform and Public Pressure in Cincinnati.”
Cincinnati in 2000 – 2002 was alive with ideas for change and disagreement on how to make it happen. The presenters will discuss protests, boycotts and other activism that pressed for progressive goals including police reforms. Tension among the reformers, deep frustration with racial discrimination and economic oppression will also be the basis for reflection.
For those who cannot attend the talk in person, it will also be live streamed via Zoom.