Celebrate Preservation Week with a Sneak Peek into the Preservation Lab
In celebration of the American Library Association’s Preservation Week, join Preservation Lab staff as they chat about preservation, conservation and what the Lab does for the libraries. There will be materials and models on hand. Thursday, April 21, 10-11am & 2-3pm, Walter C. Langsam Library 4th floor, next to the Desk@Langsam.
Whether in-person or online, UC Libraries had a busy and productive year. UC Libraries Announce Phased Approach to Re-Open Library Facilities July 2020 – With the start of the 2020 fall semester, UC Libraries re-opened library facilities to the UC community in a limited, phased approach to ensure social distancing. OhioLINK and Interlibrary Loan Borrowing have resumed August 2020 – Library users could once again request OhioLINK materials for pickup at Langsam Library using the OhioLINK catalog or by using the “Search OhioLINK” tab after a search in our local Library Catalog. CEAS, CECH and DAAP Libraries Re-Open to Users September 2020 – As of September 14, the College of Engineering and…
A Look Back in Photos
A Photo Montage of the past academic year. The first half of the academic year found most faculty and staff working remotely, while a dedicated core continued to work onsite. With the start of the 2020 fall semester, UC Libraries re-opened library facilities to the UC community in a limited, phased approach to ensure social distancing. The stacks remained closed and areas of each library were closed off. Users could still access library collections through the widely used Click & Collect request and retrieval service, and receive assistance through online instruction and the popular CHAT reference service. Social distancing, sanitation stations and marked walking routes helped to keep people safe…
Life of the Mind to celebrate UC’s artists, authors, editors & composers
Calling all UC Artists, Authors, Editors & Composers! The annual Life of the Mind, interdisciplinary conversations with University of Cincinnati faculty, is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022. Once again, the event will celebrate the published or performed creative and scholarly works of UC’s artists, authors, editors & composers with an exhibit and bibliography. To include creative and scholarly works, UC faculty and staff members are invited to self-submit via an online form. Include only those submitted works performed or published between Jan. 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. Submissions are limited to three per category per artist, author, editor or composer. Categories may include: books, book chapters, journal…
UC Libraries Commemorates Juneteenth
The University of Cincinnati Libraries commemorated the first national celebration of Juneteenth with an online event, R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Each Other: The Lasting Impact of Juneteenth. The presentation focused on the history of the holiday and its lasting impact on United States’ culture and society.
From the Archives: Celebrating Edible Books
In the volume 8, no 2 issue of Source, we wrote about the 2009 International Edible Books Festival. UC Libraries has celebrated the annual event since 2001.
Celebrating UC’s Artists, Authors, Editors & Composers
On September 22, John Lynch, professor of communication in UC’s College of Arts and Sciences, gave the Life of the Mind lecture with his presentation “Remembering When Medicine Went Wrong: Lessons for Medical Communication Today.” His remarks were followed by a panel of three who responded and provided their distinct points of view on the topic. The panelists were: Charles Doarn, professor, environmental and public health sciences; program director, MPH; director of telemedicine Renee Mahaffey Harris, president and CEO, The Center for Closing the Health Gap Michelle McGowan, research associate professor in the Ethics Center and Division of General and Community Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center & College of…
Save the Date: UC DATA DAY, October 23
World Changing Data: How Digital Data Will Change Our Future Sponsored by UC Libraries and IT@UC, the virtual UC DATA Day will include a day of informative panels and keynote speaker Glenn Ricart, founder and CTO, US Ignite Registration, who will present “A Day In Our Digital Future – The Intersection between Data and Humans.” Researchers producing and using data face similar, but unique, challenges in data management, data sharing, reproducible research and preservation. This event highlights these challenges and showcases solutions and opportunities available to the broad research and education community. UC Data Day 2020 focuses on the role and impact of the world-changing data generated by the explosion in Artificial…