UC Blue Ash College Resource Fair

by Lauren Wahman

Beginning of fall semester, a lot of new students on campus…it’s time for the Resource Fair!  The UCBA Library is an annual participant in this college-wide event that showcases the variety of support services and resources available to students.  This year, library faculty members Heather Maloney, Michelle McKinney, and Lauren Wahman shared cool things about the Library in addition to giving away candy and info geek buttons.  And, we were lucky to have one of our student assistants, Stacey Marshall, join us at the table this year!

Library Director Heather Maloney and Student Assistant Stacey Marshall

Library Director Heather Maloney and Student Assistant Stacey Marshall



Just a few of the items on display

Grumpy Cat Says “Respect Your Fellow Students”


Artwork by Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager

The UCBA Library welcomes you to the start of what we hope to be a fun, enlightening and productive year!, In that spirit, we ask that when you are in the library to be respectful of others by keeping your conversations quiet, taking your phone calls outside and using headphones at a low volume. ​

Looking forward to a great year!

Your Place to Study, Learn and Succeed

UCBA Library Research Guides Get a Makeover

Does the research guide you use regularly suddenly look different?  It is different – the research guides changed platforms and design this week!


Click on the image to browse the redesigned UCBA guides.

In addition to the new look and feel, the UC Libraries Research Guides now have a responsive design, enhanced browsing functionality and are more user friendly for table and mobile phone users. These changes and more incorporate accessibility design features required for any University of Cincinnati web pages and 3rd party web based products.  Find out more about accessibility requirements at UC.

Check out the new Research Guides at http://guides.libraries.uc.edu/ucba and share your thoughts with us at http://www.libsurveys.com/loader.php?id=12e35f407e155608c441d055474d4f9c

Scan @ the UCBA Library

by Julie Robinson


New scanner available for student use.

The UCBA Library now has a scanner available for patron use.  The scanner workstation is located adjacent to the copiers.  Directions for use are posted on the table, in front of the scanner.  If you would like a demo or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to stop by the Information Desk!

UCBA Librarians Serving Our Community


Lauren Wahman, Heather Maloney and Kellie Tilton

UCBA Librarians participated in the second annual UC Serves event held on Friday, May 8, 2015. This year’s activities began with the UC Serves Kick-Off event
where participants learned more about their projects, met team leaders and other team members and picked up t-shirts and goodie-bags.


Heather Maloney and Kellie Tilton at Musekamp Family Hope Lodge. Photo credit: Katelyn Hainline

Library Director Heather Maloney and Instructional Technologies Librarian Kellie Tilton joined a team of 5 other UC faculty and staff to do some spring cleaning at Continue reading

Library Study Room Scheduling Back Online

by Heather Maloney

​The UCBA Library online study room scheduling system (LibCal) is now back online. For the most part, users will notice user-friendly enhancements such as a responsive web page design that adjusts to devices of all screen sizes. The other significant new feature is the requirement to login Continue reading