Tag Archives: questionnaire
UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite App or Website
UCBA Fun Facts: Personal Lending Policy
Question: What is your policy on book lending?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: I share! Unless it’s a library book then I’m a little more protective. 😉
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: It depends on the book and who I’m lending it to…I’ve lost a few faves over the years and those folks can’t borrow from my anymore.
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I am an advocate of book lending! But only if I know the person well enough to know the book is coming back at some point.
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: No policy. All of my books come from the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Hardly ever. Streamlined my collection to keep mainly my absolute favorite hardcovers and first editions which I NEVER lend and the rest I borrow from the library.
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Depends on the book. I rarely loan my hardcovers but if I have an ebook it’s yours to borrow.
UCBA Fun Facts: Giving Bad Reviews
Question: How do you feel about giving a bad or negative review?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: Reading opinions can be very personal (especially if reading for leisure) so I keep it constructive and from a place of my own personal preference.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: I like reading them if I don’t like a book. Sometimes I can’t find the words to describe why I don’t like a book and reading other people’s negative review helps.
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I think if the reviews are given critically, I’m okay with them. I also appreciate when reviewers acknowledge the difference between issues they personally had with a book and the issues that are problematic on a more general level.
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: I appreciate honesty and understand that not everyone is going to like the same books as me.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: I try to keep it concrete and give specific examples, but just because I don’t care for a book doesn’t mean someone else won’t love it. I never want to discourage anyone from picking up a book.
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Reviews/opinions. I will give my opinion, good/bad/indifferent if asked.
UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite Reading Snack
Question: What’s your favorite reading snack?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: I’m not much of a snacker when I read but a glass of wine or cup of tea is always nice.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Peanut M & Ms
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Water?
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: No favorites, just usually have water near me.
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: ALL things FOOD!
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: If I get sucked into a good read, I don’t even know if people are around, much less a snack!
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Nothing. I’ll have water or coffee but rarely any food while reading.
UCBA Fun Facts: Do You Have An E-reader?
Question: Do you have an e-reader?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: I do read on my iPad occasionally — print books give my eyes a break after so much screen time.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Yes, I own a Kindle Touch and use the Kindle app on my laptop and iPhone.
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Yep!
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: Of course! A Kindle and an iPad Mini.
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: Yes (Kindle Paperwhite)
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Kindle app on my iPad…super convenient. Still enjoy a “real” book in my hand, but having the library at my fingertips is very addictive!
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Yes! I love my Kindle.
UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite Childhood Book
Question: What’s your favorite book from childhood?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: It was a Helen Keller biography and had the sign language alphabet in the back.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: The Peanuts Comics by Charles Schulz
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: The Berenstain’s B Book
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Savage Journey by Allan Eckert
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. I still have the book from my childhood.
UCBA Fun Facts: 2016 Reading Goals
Question: Do you have any reading goals for the new year?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: To read more – more specifically to finish more books! The stack on nightstand is embarrassing:-)
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: I’m taking up the Book Riot 2015 Read Harder Challenge found at: http://bookriot.com/2014/12/15/book-riot-2015-read-harder-challenge/
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Stretch Goal: 150 books; Realistic Goal: 100 books
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: Ah, yes. I’m going to make another attempt at noting what books I read throughout the year. I sometimes pick up a book only to find that I’ve already read it!
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: My goal is just to “read”.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Hmmm, more time for reading!
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: No! No goals, no pressure when it comes to reading for pleasure.
UCBA Fun Facts: What’s on your Christmas List?
Question: What books are on your Christmas list?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: Giada De Laurentis’, Happy Cooking. I like to go to the bookstore during Xmas break and find a reading book more serendipitously.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Looking forward to reading Sara Addison Allen’s latest book, First Frost. She’s one of my favorite authors.
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell; Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling; Hawkeye Omnibus by Matt Fraction and David Aja
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: I’ve got quite a few eBooks that I’m waiting on from the public library! A few that I’m looking forward to are Kristin Hannah’s The Nightingale, Michel Bussi’s After the Crash, and David Mitchell’s Slade House.
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: I don’t have any books on my Christmas list.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Patricia Briggs, Fire Touched, Maria V. Snyder, Night Study, and Karen Marie Moning, Feverborn
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes and Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II’s Greatest Rescue Mission by Hampton Sides
UCBA Fun Facts: Least Favorite Genres
Question: What genres do you rarely read?
Heather Maloney, Library Director: Biographies. Weird because they interest me, I just don’t pick them up often.
Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Horror, Hard Core Sci Fi
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Mystery. I don’t have the patience to wait to the big reveal at the end.
Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian: Romance and western. These just aren’t my thing so I don’t ever read them.
Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: Books….LOL!.
Julie Robinson, Library Operations Manager: Western, Oprah’s Book Club (it should be a genre!), Self-Help
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant: Sci Fi, and horror