Knowledge is Our Super Power!

super textbooks

Did you know?

Current Clermont College textbooks that cost over $100 are on reserve for you in our library.

  • Students must have a valid UC ID to use the textbooks
  • Textbooks are checked out to students for two hours use in the library
  • The library does not purchase lab manuals, bundled sets, custom editions or loose-leaf format item

Connect here to see if the library has your textbook or stop by and ask us!

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Be Your Own Hero in the Library

Be Your Own Hero

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Maybe you are somebody’s hero? Everyone’s inspired by somebody or something. Batman had Robin, Batgirl had the library, and the Flash had the Justice League. Who has inspired you to be a hero?

Stop by the Clermont College Library and enter the “Be Your Own Hero” contest. The grand prize — $25.00 gift card.

While you’re in the library, share the name of your literary hero on the superhero board — a comic book character, a fictional or biographical person, a movie or TV personality, whoever you like.

You can be a successful student by being your own hero.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Need a Charge? Charging Cables Available for Checkout


The Clermont College Library now checks out charging cables to our students for both Android and Apple devices (both Lightning and 30-pin styles).  All you need to do is present your Bearcat Card student ID at the information desk and let us know which one you need.

Available on a first-come, first-served basis, you can use our charging cables inside the library at any of our 150+ electrical outlets on the 1st and 2nd floors.  We’re excited to provide this convenience for our students to help you stay connected.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Laptops Available for Checkout

Computer pic

The Clermont College Library has an exciting new offering this year especially for students — laptops!

To check out a laptop, simply present your Bearcat Card student ID at the information desk.  Laptops check out for 4 hours and are for in-library use only.  Our laptops provide the same great software access as the PCs in our computer lab, while also offering the flexibility of choosing your study space inside the library.  And with our 150+ electrical outlets, you can choose from a variety of spaces on our 1st and 2nd floors — some quiet, some collaborative.

If you’d like to check out a laptop or have a question, please stop by and ask your friendly library staff.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Clermont Library Hours, Fall 2015

The Clermont College Library fall semester hours from August 24, 2015 through December 11, 2015 are as follows:

The library is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am-8:00 pm and on Friday from 7:30 am-4:00 pm. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Additionally, the library will be closed in observation of the following holidays:

  • Labor Day-September 7, 2015
  • Veteran’s Day-November 11, 2015
  • Thanksgiving Holiday-November 26-27, 2015

As always, complete listing of our hours is available via our website.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Fall Welcome


The library staff greeted new students during the Fall Welcome on Clermont’s Campus. We met many students eager to start the new semester. Our student assistant, Rachel, shared information about the library, specifically highlighting the help a student receives with research, resources, and textbooks on reserve. We’re excited to meet new students and help them with all their research needs.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Review: The Mockingbird Next Door by Marja Miller


If you follow the literary world at all, you’ve probably heard that Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, is releasing her second book in July. Lee’s first story, published in 1960, follows Scout and her father Atticus Finch as he fights for civil rights in Maycomb, Alabama. The Pulitzer Prize winner has been read by millions of people and created quite the impact. Now fifty-five years later the author’s second book, Go Set a Watchman, will be released in July.

In the meantime, I picked up The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Miller. Part memoir, part biography Marja had the rare opportunity to spend many months with Harper, called Nell by her friends, and Alice Lee. Alice, Harper’s sister, is a lawyer who followed in her father’s footsteps.

In 2001, the Chicago Public Library chose To Kill a Mockingbird for its One Book, One Chicago city-wide read. At that time Marja worked for the Chicago Tribune and was asked to travel south to Monroeville, Harper Lee’s hometown. She hoped to at least write about, Monroeville, the small-town Maycomb was based on. She never imagined she’d spend months in the company of Harper Lee and her sister, plus spend time with their close circle of friends.

The Mockingbird Next Door is one of the best nonfiction books I’ve read. Reading Ms. Mills book was like sitting with her at lunch and chatting with a friend. By the time I finished the book, I felt like I’d visited Monroeville and met the Lees. If you’re waiting to read Go Set a Watchman, this would be a great book to peruse, in the meantime.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager
Clermont College Library

Summer Library Hours

It’s summer term, and weather outside sure does feel like summer this week! Throughout the summer term, the library will be open Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 6:30pm, and Friday from 7:30am to 4pm.  For complete details about when the library is (and isn’t) open, see our library hours page.

Whether you’re taking classes or working, enjoy yourselves and be safe!  We hope to see you all in the library this summer.

Student Art Spotlight: Jessica Medley Brings “Colorful Life” Into the Library


Our featured artist for the summer is Jessica Medley.  Using colored pencils and paper of varying textures, Ms. Medley’s verdant representations of flowers and butterflies are the perfect compliment to our blooming spring, inviting viewers to “see the beauty of all living things.”

Jessica’s work will be on display in the library through August.