Hans Landolt and the Conservation of Mass : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 55, March/April 2019

A highly stippled photo of Landolt’s balance with two of his counterpoised reaction tubes (7) – the one on the left before reaction and the one on the right after reaction.

A highly stippled photo of Landolt’s balance with two of his counterpoised reaction tubes (7) – the one on the left before reaction and the one on the right after reaction.

Issue 55 summarizes, using the resources of the Oesper Collections, the work of the Swiss-German physical chemist, Hans Landolt, on the experimental verification of the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions. 

Click here for all other issues of Notes from the Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

A Complete Qual Lab : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 54, January/February 2019

The extraordinary
lab bench, chemicals
and equipment for
performing qualitative
chemical analysis offered for sale in the 1902
catalog of the Viennese
laboratory supply house of Lenoir and Forster.

Issue 54 reviews the various chests of reagents and apparatus sold over the last 250 years to private chemists and students wishing to perform qualitative chemical analysis and as highlighted in our collections of apparatus catalogs and monographs.

 Click here for all other issues of Notes from the Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

New Books in Oesper (history of chemistry collection)

A few new acquisitions have been added to the Oesper book collection.  Click here to access the November-December 2018 list.

For more information about Oesper and the apparatus museum, click here.

If you have any questions about this collection, contact Ted Baldwin, Director of Science and Engineering Libraries, at Ted.Baldwin@uc.edu.



Apparatus for Urine Analysis : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 53, November/December 2018

A circa 1900 Pilling testing kit for urine analysis

A circa 1900 Pilling testing kit for urine analysis

Issue 53 highlights antique apparatus used in physiological chemistry for the analysis of urine.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from the Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

Some Blowpipe Equipment : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 52, September/October 2018

A portable Berzelius oil lamp for blowpipe analysis. The additional ring and alcohol lamp could be used to evaporate mineral water samples for analysis.

A portable Berzelius oil lamp for blowpipe analysis. The additional ring and alcohol lamp could be used to evaporate mineral water samples for analysis.

Issue 52 highlights items in the Oesper Collections related to the practice and teaching of blowpipe analysis.

Click here for all other issues from the Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.