Browse New UCBA Titles Online

The New Titles at Your UCBA Library online guide lists newly acquired books and media by subject. Select titles are highlighted on the homepage along with the ability to search for other titles in the UC Libraries system. Many of the new titles can also be found on the new book cart located next to the front desk in the library.

new books guide photo

UCBA RefWorks Workshop

by Lauren Wahman

​​​The UCBA Library and the UCBA Learning & Teaching Center sponsored a RefWorks workshop on Thursday February 9.  Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) brought his roadshow out to UCBA for the first time and we had 12 attendees representing a wide range of disciplines such as Nursing, Business, English, and Biology.  This was a great example of libraries collaborating to help faculty learn more about one of our many resources!  Thanks again Randy!

Roberts RefWorks

Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) introducing the NEW interface for RefWorks


Roberts Wahman RefWorks

Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) and Lauren Wahman (UCBA Library) providing help to attendees

UCBA Library Display Celebrates National African American Read-In and Black History Month

Black History Month and the National African American Read-In book display.

Stop by the UCBA Library to browse and borrow books in honor of Black History Month and the National African American Read-In (NAARI). Titles that include a yellow NAARI bookmark are written by African Americans and can be read for the NAARI event scheduled for Tuesday, February 28 at 12:00 pm in the Muntz 119 Lobby.

To see a full list of titles on display, visit the National African American Read-In guide at

Kellie Tilton Attends the American Library Association’s Midwinter Conference

by Kellie Tilton

Over the weekend of January 20th, UC Blue Ash Librarian traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, for the 2017 American Library Association’s MidWinter Conference. Although the purpose for attending was committee work on the Alex Awards, she had the chance to visit the exhibit halls, meet with other librarians (including the Librarian of Congress!), and visit local museums and restaurants.

Below are a few pictures she took on her travels.

UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite App or Website

From the Desk of…Lauren Wahman, Instruction Program Coordinator

The next stop on our tour of offices finds us at the doorstep of Lauren Wahman, Instruction Program Coordinator at UCBA Library.