Student Art Spotlight: The Notable Nine

This spring, Professor Kim Taylor worked with library staff to bring art into the library from nine Clermont College students and one part-time English faculty.  Relocating our information desk in December also provided the opportunity to relocate student art — and double our display area!  You’ll love the results.

Haley Dennison: Haley
Nicholas Dereshkevich: Untitled
Abigale Morris: Adam
Hailey McManus: Brave
Treva Noakes-Miller: Bloom and Dream
Elizabeth Sowders: Untitled
Riley Stickney: Untitled
Bernadette Terrell: Cakes and Untitled
Julia Wahle: They Is and Homey

Amy Abafo: Rice PaddyAdventure Bound, and Baggage (faculty submission)


Keep reading, writing, and learning,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy

Library Director

Book Review: Freedom Over Me: Eleven Slaves, their Lives and Dreams Brought to Life by Ashley Bryan

Through painted portraits, and the voices and thoughts he imagined for them, three-time Coretta Scott King winner, Ashely Bryan, has created a beautiful picture book relating the lives of eleven slaves. Using an authentic estate document from the Fairchild’s Appraisement, July 5, 1828, that listed each slave with a price, Bryan breathed life and humanity into what was then believed to be the owner’s “property.”

My favorite parts of the book are the pages that express the slaves’ inner thoughts. The illustrations come across as dream-like, which gives a surreal feel to their personal expression. Written in free verse—this would be a perfect read aloud for Black History month.

Check out Freedom Over Me from the Clermont College Library.


Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Puzzled at Clermont?

Did you know the first jigsaw puzzles were created in 1762 by London mapmaker, John Spilsbury? He created them from “engraved maps pasted onto wood and cut into pieces along political boundaries.”

Putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a great way to spend downtime. We have set up a puzzle table in Clermont College Library for everyone’s enjoyment. We hope you’ll stop by and be puzzled!

Williams, Anne D. “Jigsaw Puzzles.” Early American Homes 28.6 (1997): 28. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 13 Jan. 2017.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Local History at the Clermont College Library

Elizabeth Terry’s ENGL 1001 students completed writing projects examining local cities, villages, and places during the fall 2016 term. The projects examined questions relating to a place’s relative growth or isolation.

Students spent a great deal of time using the local history collections of the Clermont College Library, the Clermont County Public Library, and local historical societies. They also snapped photos of their research subjects — now on display in the Peters-Jones hallway outside of the library.  The photographs represent an additional investigative method, capturing indefinable beauty in landmarks we often pass without a second thought.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director

Welcome Back, Clermont Students!

Dear Students,

I’m so happy to welcome you all back to campus!

With help from generous donors, we’ve worked hard during the winter break to make the library a better place for you to study, hang out, and get assistance with research. The big changes  include an upgraded service point and new front doors. We’ve also relocated some furniture and the printer-scanner combo in order to serve you better. Stay tuned for more improvements coming soon this term, including electric access for more first floor study tables and for the circular couches in the library atrium.

Let me know what you think of all of the changes!

Best wishes for a productive and happy spring semester,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director

Student Art at Clermont College

Spring semester the library is pleased to exhibit the art of Scott Hempleman.  Scott’s colorful paintings stem from years of drawing fun, imaginative cartoons. Encouraged by his grandfather as well as art teachers at Clermont College, Scott’s vibrant works display a study in color relationship and contrast.

Come check out Scott Hempleman’s work in the library’s Student Art Spotlight through spring 2018.  As always, we thank Fine Arts faculty Kelly Frigard and Kim Taylor for their dedicated support of the Student Art Spotlight since 2015.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Happy Holidays from Clermont College Library

Happy Holidays from UC Clermont and your Clermont College Library!

We  our students, staff, and faculty! We’re also so incredibly appreciative of our amazing donors — your generosity has paved the way for some impactful improvements to the library this year. You can check out our renewed first floor in January 2017.


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Do You Enjoy the Music of the Season?

I asked the Clermont College Library staff to share their three favorite holiday songs.


Here are the top picks:

“Christmas Canon” by Tran-Siberian Orchestra

“Nuttin’ for Christmas” by Stan Freberg

“Christmas Don’t Be Late” sung by The Chipmunks



“The Christmas Song” (Chestnuts Roasting) sung by Johnny Mathis

“Hark the Herald Angels Sing” by Charles Wesley & George Whitefield

“Christmas Time is Here” by Lee Mendelson and Vince Guaraldi from Charlie Brown Christmas



“White Christmas” from White Christmas

“Silver and Gold,” from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

“A Good Old-Fashioned Christmas” from A Garfield Christmas



“White Christmas” sung by Bing Crosby

“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” sung by Burl Ives

“Silent Night” sung by the Temptations



We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.

Philanthropy Books




Industrialist, millionaire, and philanthropist,
Andrew Carnegie. 1913.
Marceau, photographer. Library of Congress.



In the holiday season many people participate in philanthropic endeavors such as food and clothing drives, monetary giving and donations of time.

If you’re interested in learning more about philanthropy Clermont College Library has e-books you might like to browse:

Philanthropy and the Philanthropy Sector: An Introduction by Theo N.M. Schuyt

Nonprofit Organizations and Civil Society in the United States by Kelly LeRoux
and Mary K. Feeney

The Almanac of American Philanthropy by Karl Zinsmeister

Philanthropy and Education Strategies for Impact edited by Ekkehard Thümler, Nicole Bögelein, Annelie Beller, and Helmut Anheier



Snowflakes at Clermont College Library

“Everything’s magical when it snows, everything looks pretty. The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.” –Lorelai Gilmore


We may not have snow outside, yet. But we do have a table set up in the Clermont College Library where students can cut out snowflakes. We’ve provided patterns, paper, and scissors. And we encourage you to use your imagination as well.

       Take a few minutes between classes and snip some snowflakes.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager