UCBA Library’s Research Lightning Talks

by Lauren Wahman

Tuesday March 4, 2025  
2:30-3:30 pm 

These 5-minute presentations showcase current research of UC Blue Ash faculty, spark conversation, encourage collaboration, and inspire action within the UC Blue Ash community.  

Register: Faculty & Staff and Students 

UCBA Library’s Winter Book Crush

by Lauren Wahman

Looking for some good reads for winter break? Visit the UCBA Library during open hours to browse a selection of recently published novels, short stories, biographies, and more and get a winter treat (while supplies last) or explore the virtual display.   

Books can be checked out with your UC ID. The display will be available until Friday December 13.  

Read Around The World Display at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

compass atop a world map with placement pins

Explore the world at the UCBA Library’s Read Around The World Display. Visit the UCBA Library during open hours to browse a selection of novels and short stories that span the globe or explore the virtual display. Books can be checked out with your UC ID. The displays will be available until Friday November 15.   

Women’s History Month Books

by Lauren Wahman

The UCBA Library is featuring a selection of books highlighting the 2024 theme for Women’s History Month – Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Visit the Women’s History Month virtual featured books to view or stop by the UCBA Library during open hours to browse the full selection and check out an item with your UC ID.  

Spring Book Blooms Display at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

book blooms graphic

Looking for some good reads for the upcoming summer break? Find novels, short stories, graphic novels, comics, and memoirs at the UCBA Library’s Spring Book Blooms Display. Visit the UCBA Library during open hours to browse these featured books and check out an item with your UC ID. The display will be available until Thursday April 27.

UCBA Library’s Women’s History Month Featured Books

by Lauren Wahman

Women's history month book display banner

The UCBA Library is featuring a selection of books highlighting the 2023 theme for Women’s History Month – “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” These featured books focus on women from all forms of media and storytelling. Visit the Women’s History Month virtual featured books to view a small selection or stop by the UCBA Library during open hours to browse the full selection and check out an item with your UC ID.   Continue reading

Research Lightning Talks at UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

title banner reads Research Lightning Talks. Conversation. Collaboration.Action. Sponsored by the UC Blue Ash Library

Tuesday March 28, 2023 from 12:30-1:30 pm
Learning & Teaching Center Room (Muntz Hall 117)
Registration: via Faculty Development OneStop

These 5-minute presentations showcase current research efforts of UCBA faculty, spark conversation, encourage collaboration, and inspire action within the UCBA community.


  • Matt Bennett, Media Communications & Technology
    Social Media as Culture Industry
  • Jen Carter, Behavioral Science & Lori Wortylko, Business & Economics
    UCBA Student Experiences with Canvas
  • Matt Norman, History, Philosophy & Political Science
    Knowing Him by Heart: African Americans on Abraham Lincoln
  • Yoshi Odaka, Biology
    Molecular Dissection of Brain-Eating Amoeba Cousin

Women’s History Month at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

display of books atop a table for women's history month

Featured books for Women’s History Month

For the month of March, the UCBA Library is featuring a multi-disciplinary selection of books highlighting the global contributions of women as part of Women’s History Month. These featured books are located on a table near the Library’s Information Desk. Visit the Women’s History Month virtual featured books to view a small selection. To view the full selection, stop by the UCBA Library during open hours, browse, and borrow a book. 

Celebrating UC Blue Ash Faculty Achievements: Life of the Mind’s Artists, Authors, Editors and Composers 

by Lauren Wahman and Heather Maloney 

The Life of the Mind lecture and Artists, Authors, Editors & Composers event took place on February 22, 2022. As part of the UCBA Library’s research-sharing efforts, we’re celebrating the selected works submitted this year from UCBA faculty. Visit Life of the Mind for the online exhibit, bibliography, and event recording. 

Cover of Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

David Freeman, Professor
Math, Physics, & Computer Science
Fun Fact: David presented this research topic at the UCBA Library’s 3rd Annual Faculty Research Lightning Talks event. 


Continue reading

Winter Book Crush at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

Looking for some good reads for winter break? Find recently published novels, short stories, biographies, and more at the UCBA Library’s Winter Book Crush. Stop by for a book and a winter treat! 

Find us outside the UCBA Library front entrance (next to the Commons) on the following days/times: 

  • Tuesday November 30, 12:30-2:00 PM 
  • Wednesday December 1st, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM 

Can’t make it during the above times? 

The Winter Book Crush will move inside the UCBA Library from December 2 – 10. Please refer to the UCBA Library website for hours. Note: UC ID is required to borrow books.