Holiday Books Call Up Magical Memories

Growing up, books and the holidays went hand-in-hand. I received them and gave them as gifts. Some of them were magical and still call up pleasant memories. I wondered if my co-workers at the Clermont College Library had the same experience. So I asked them to tell me about a favorite holiday story from their childhood related to a special memory or moment. Here’s what they shared:



I have great childhood memories of the wordless picture book, The Snowman (1978) by Raymond Briggs.  Before I could read, I loved looking through the pages of this book and imagining words to match the beautiful illustrations.  The short film, also wordless, is lovely and features some unique accompanying music, too. –Katie


On Christmas Eve, the four of us had our ritual. In the afternoon, we night before Christmaswould make lots of cookies, then have a light supper, and hunt for a Christmas tree (That was before the parents’ famous artificial trees of pink and silver, including the color wheel!).

Then we would head home, have cookies and milk or hot chocolate, leaving some for Santa of course!  Dad would read the “The Night Before Christmas.” My brother and I would try so hard to see Santa, but we never saw him–we always fell asleep! –Kathi

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