Finding Films

The Clermont College Library houses over 631 DVDs which can be checked out for a week. Enjoy the DVDs on your laptop, any Clermont College computer, or at home. If you choose to view a movie in the library, headphones are available at the circulation desk . Students must have a valid UC ID to check out DVDs and headphones.

Searching the CatalogSkye DVD blog

Use the library catalog to search for specific films.  Use the “Title” option to search films by title.  Use the “Author” option for actor or director.

To look for a specific type of film, use the advanced keyword search.

  1. Select the “Advanced Keyword” tab in the catalog.
  2. Under “Add Limits” select “Videos/DVDs”.
  3. Add additional search terms, such as an actor (in all fields) or director (as author).
  4. Select Library location-Clermont or any of the other available locations.

Many DVDs, including feature films, can be borrowed from other institutions in the same manner as books.

Stop by the library to see if your film is available or search and place a hold!

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Research Guides in the Library

You’ve started a paper or a project, and gathered a couple of great resources on your topic, but now you need more information. One of Clermont College Library’s excellent resources is the research guide.

Research Guides are easy to find. From the library’s home page, look to the left side of the screen and choose Research Guides. You will be directed to a list of guides.  By clicking on one of the topics, you will find tabs that direct you to the type of resource you need.  For example, if you were looking for scholarly articles on biology, choose the Biology at Clermont Guide, then click on the Articles tab.


Kathleen Epperson
Reference Librarian

Professor Joel Peckham Returns to Clermont College for Poetry Reading

God's Bicycle

Former Clermont Professor, Joel Peckham, opens the 2015-16 Clermont Poetry Series with a reading in the Clermont College Library on Friday, September 11, at 1:25 pm. Professor Peckham’s new book God’s Bicycle will be available for purchase. He’ll be signing books at the reception immediately following the reading.

Joel has published three books of poetry, two chapbooks, and a collection of narrative essays. His works have appeared in academic and literary journals. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of Regional Literature and Creative Writing at Marshall University.

-Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Enchantment with a Touch of Mystery


Madison Keith

Spotlight on student art work at the Clermont College Library.

Madison Keith’s portraits of women reflect the mood of the seasons. Her use of color and unexpected natural elements suffuse the paintings with enchantment and a touch of mystery. She talks about her medium of watercolor paints, pencils, and paper in her artist statement. “I also wanted to invoke a feeling of calm and harmony, and I feel like this is a bit of a reflection on the materials I used; watercolor is tricky, and you have to be calm and find harmony with your supplies when painting.”

Stop by the Clermont College Library and view Madison’s intriguing exhibit.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Knowledge is Our Super Power!

super textbooks

Did you know?

Current Clermont College textbooks that cost over $100 are on reserve for you in our library.

  • Students must have a valid UC ID to use the textbooks
  • Textbooks are checked out to students for two hours use in the library
  • The library does not purchase lab manuals, bundled sets, custom editions or loose-leaf format item

Connect here to see if the library has your textbook or stop by and ask us!

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Be Your Own Hero in the Library

Be Your Own Hero

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Maybe you are somebody’s hero? Everyone’s inspired by somebody or something. Batman had Robin, Batgirl had the library, and the Flash had the Justice League. Who has inspired you to be a hero?

Stop by the Clermont College Library and enter the “Be Your Own Hero” contest. The grand prize — $25.00 gift card.

While you’re in the library, share the name of your literary hero on the superhero board — a comic book character, a fictional or biographical person, a movie or TV personality, whoever you like.

You can be a successful student by being your own hero.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager