RefWorks is leaving…have you met Zotero? 

UC Libraries’ subscription to RefWorks is ending in May 2025 due to low usage and increasing costs. While UC Libraries’ subscription to RefWorks is ending, we support other citation managers such as Zotero and EndNote. 

If you want to learn more about Zotero, register for the “Getting to Know Zotero” workshop hosted in CECH Library on April 15 at 12:30pm (you can bring your lunch!).  

Zotero is a free, open source citation management software with both a desktop application and web platform. It has awesome features such as Microsoft Word integration, built-in PDF reader, and group libraries. Come to the workshop to see a demo, set up your Zotero, and test out its capabilities! 

Madeleine Gaiser, online learning and instruction librarian
CECH Library

UCBA RefWorks Workshop

by Lauren Wahman

​​​The UCBA Library and the UCBA Learning & Teaching Center sponsored a RefWorks workshop on Thursday February 9.  Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) brought his roadshow out to UCBA for the first time and we had 12 attendees representing a wide range of disciplines such as Nursing, Business, English, and Biology.  This was a great example of libraries collaborating to help faculty learn more about one of our many resources!  Thanks again Randy!

Roberts RefWorks

Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) introducing the NEW interface for RefWorks


Roberts Wahman RefWorks

Randy Roberts (Langsam Library) and Lauren Wahman (UCBA Library) providing help to attendees