Research Lightning Talks: Recording Available

by Lauren Wahman

Heather Maloney speaking in front of the Research Lighting Talks audience.
Heather Maloney, UCBA Library Director, introduces the event

The UCBA Library’s Research Lightning Talks is an annual event that showcases research efforts of UCBA faculty and staff, sparks conversation, encourages collaboration, and inspires action within the UCBA community. This year’s event (view recording) took place on March 5, 2024 and featured five faculty presentations:  

Libby Anthony 
Associate Professor of English 
Pedagogies of Online Knitting Teachers 

David Freeman  
Professor of Mathematics 
What Is a Number? And Why Does it Matter? 

Smita Jadhav  
Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
Integrating ChatGPT in General Chemistry Education 

Rhonda Pettit  
Professor of English 
Immersion Research for Poetry 

Heather Vilvens  
Associate Professor of Health Promotion & Education 
Stakeholder-Driven Strategies for Improving the Discharge Process in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Concept Mapping Study 

UCBA Library’s Research Lightning Talks 

Tuesday March 5, 2024  
2:30-3:30 pm 

These 5-minute presentations showcase current research of UC Blue Ash faculty, spark conversation, encourage collaboration, and inspire action within the UC Blue Ash community.  

Register for this event: Faculty & Staff and Student 

Libby Anthony  
Associate Professor of English  
English & Communication Department
Pedagogies of Online Knitting Teachers  

David Freeman  
Professor of Mathematics  
Math, Physics, and Computer Science Department 
What Is A Number? And Why Does It Matter?  

Smita Jadhav  
Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
Chemistry Department 
Integrating ChatGPT in General Chemistry Education 

Rhonda Pettit  
Professor of English  
English & Communication Department  
Immersive Research for Poetry  

Heather Vilvens  
Associate Professor of Health Promotion and Education  
Allied Health Department
Stakeholder-Driven Strategies for Improving the Discharge Process in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Concept Mapping Study  

Research Lightning Talks at UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

title banner reads Research Lightning Talks. Conversation. Collaboration.Action. Sponsored by the UC Blue Ash Library

Tuesday March 28, 2023 from 12:30-1:30 pm
Learning & Teaching Center Room (Muntz Hall 117)
Registration: via Faculty Development OneStop

These 5-minute presentations showcase current research efforts of UCBA faculty, spark conversation, encourage collaboration, and inspire action within the UCBA community.


  • Matt Bennett, Media Communications & Technology
    Social Media as Culture Industry
  • Jen Carter, Behavioral Science & Lori Wortylko, Business & Economics
    UCBA Student Experiences with Canvas
  • Matt Norman, History, Philosophy & Political Science
    Knowing Him by Heart: African Americans on Abraham Lincoln
  • Yoshi Odaka, Biology
    Molecular Dissection of Brain-Eating Amoeba Cousin

Faculty Research Lightning Talks: Meet Chris Gulgas

The UCBA Library’s 3rd Annual Faculty Research Lightning Talks on March 10, 2020 featured four presenters and their discipline-based research projects via short, 15 minute presentations. In our Meet the Presenters series, each presenter shares some insights into their research project. 

Chris Gulgas| Associate Professor of Chemistry| ChemistryDepartment
Presentation: A Student Discovery Involving a Chemical that Changes Color Leads to a New Organic Laboratory Experiment

Chris Gulgas giving a presentation

Chris Gulgas discusses his research.


Research Project
A new organic laboratory experiment was designed and developed based upon the independent research of two undergraduate students investigating solvatochromism.  Bromothymol blue was found to exhibit a significant red shift across a series of solvents.  An organic laboratory experiment was then created to allow students to discover this effect as a class using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy.  Students built skills in recognizing functional groups and intermolecular interactions as well as analyzing data trends.  The undergraduate research process, design of the experiment and results from the first year of implementation into the curriculum were presented. 

Gulgas powerpoint slide

A slide from Chris’ A Student Discovery Involving a Chemical that Changes Color Leads to a New Organic Laboratory Experiment presentation. 

What excites you most about your research?
I am most excited about student-driven discovery that can be developed into something useful for learning.  Students were able to identify an unpublished property of a substance we had on hand, using equipment on hand.  This discovery turned into an experiment for all organic laboratory students to benefit from in learning about solvent properties and the nature of light. 

What are your next steps with your research?
I’d like to identify another compound that exhibits similar behavior for comparison and reinforcement. 

Additional Resources 

Reichardt, Christian (1994). Solvatochromic Dyes as Solvent Polarity Indicators. Chemical Reviews. 94 (8). 2319-2358. 


 by Lauren Wahman