Empower yourself in CECH Library

The College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and IT (CECH) celebrates Stress Less Week this semester Monday, March 10th– Friday, March 14th. This semester the focus is on YOU! Explore resources that allow you to empower yourself all week long at the CECH Library.  

CECH Library Programming for Stress Less Week:  

  • 3/10-14 - Stress Less & Empower Yourself with the CECH Library. Visit the CECH Library and explore the Stress Less display to find resources and materials to help you feel empowered. 
  • 3/10-14- Sticker-by-Number with the CECH Library. Visit the CECH Library during Stress Less Week to contribute to our community sticker-by-number art project. Don’t forget to stop by to see the finished product any time throughout the month of March. 
  • 3/12 10am-12pm- Study Tools Collection first look – Visit the CECH Library and learn from a CECH librarian about a NEW study tools collection coming soon to the CECH Library. 
  • 3/13 12pm-4pm- Study Tool Petting Zoo – Visit the CECH Library MakerLab to try out NEW study tools the library will be adding to our collection in AY26.  

Visit CECH Student Services Center on Get Involved UC for a full list of events.  

Rachel Hoople, CECH Library operations manager and student supervisor

Building Community with the CECH Library

The College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services celebrated Stress Less Week this year from October 1st – 7th. College departments participated in providing stress management resources to students throughout the week in conjunction with the theme of Building Community.

The campus community was encouraged to work together to reach great heights with a Community Build LEGO Project. Participants selected LEGO pieces to add to the community space with the goal of building the highest tower possible. As communities tend to do, though, the project took on a life of its own with the addition of LEGO people, animals, and even plants.

CECH Library users also got the opportunity to complete a community art project with a unique sticker-by-number mural. The image was only revealed once enough of the stickers were placed in the correct spaces — over 2,000 stickers were placed to create this beautiful mural.

While Stress Less Week is now over, the CECH Library has community programming through October 31st. Visit our Building Community Book Display to explore items in our collection that focus on human connection, choose a book from the Banned Book Display to celebrate the diversity of our communal stories, and work together to hunt ghosts inside the CECH Library.

The CECH Library is located in 300 Teachers-Dyer Complex.

Rachel Hoople
CECH Library / Operations Manager and Student Worker Supervisor