Medical Illustration & Comics to Graphic Medicine Display at the HSL

By: Lynn Warner

The Health Sciences Library is currently featuring an exciting new display: From Medical Illustration & Comics to Graphic Medicine, which highlights our new collection of Graphic Medicine books.

Graphic Medicine, a term coined by Dr. Ian Williams, defines it as “the intersection between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare”. Not limited to medical education, this use of comics includes memoirs, educational texts for patients as well as healthcare personnel, and critique of the healthcare system and profession.


Graphic medicine display.

In addition to featuring our new collection of books, display cases explore medical illustration through the years. This includes drawings by the visionary Mary Maciel, who organized and led UC College of Medicine’s School of Medical Illustration from 1947 to 1972.  

Not only can you enjoy the display and check out a graphic medicine book, but you can also create and share your own graphic medicine panels at the creation station! 

Graphic medicine books at the HSL.

Fall Systematic Review Cohort

The Health Sciences Library is accepting applications for its second Systematic Review Cohort. Those interested in working through the advanced review process with help from our librarians can learn about the cohort at one of our informational sessions taking place October 14 at 11:30am and October 22 at 10:30am. There is no need to attend both informational sessions – the same details will be shared at each. More details can be found at:

The application period will close November 1 at 5pm. Please let us know if you have any questions!

2024 Systematic Review Cohort at the Health Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library is launching a systematic review cohort where researchers can work through the review process with the support of our experienced librarians.

Systematic reviews are large projects that are rigorous, multi-faceted, and lengthy undertakings. By bringing together a cohort of researchers, we hope to provide a supportive and collaborative environment as you progress from research question to publication.

If you are interested in conducting a systematic review or other type of comprehensive review, join us May 6th or May 14th to learn more about this exciting opportunity. At these informational sessions librarians will give an overview of the cohort and workshops and will be available to answer any questions you have about the systematic review group.  

This informational session is being offered twice but there is no need to attend both.

Registration can be found at Faculty OneStop.

Health Sciences Library Newsletter – October 2023

Explore the news and recent happenings at the HSL with our latest newsletter…

Data, data, data! Data is everywhere and constantly growing – and we are here to help. Join us for the Future directions of Data with UC Data Day, get help with your data with RDS’s student assistant, and learn new skills to work with data with this month’s workshops. Need additional assistance? Let us know!

UC Libraries New Dean

On August 14, 2023 UC Libraries welcomed Elizabeth Kiscaden, MLIS, AHIP, as dean and university librarian. Prior to UC, Kiscaden served as university librarian and assistant vice provost of library services at Creighton University. Read more…

Need help with data?

Saurabh Verma is the new Data Literacy Research Consultant and Graduate Assistant for Research & Data Services. Saurabh will be housed in the Health Sciences Library Informatics Lab and provide research and data services across both the main and medical campuses. Saurabh has a bachelor’s degree in statistics and a master’s degree in economics, both earned from the University of Pune, India. Saurabh Verma is presently enrolled in the MS in Business Analytics program at Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati, and he brings to RDS more than seven years of extensive experience in the field of data science and analytics. Throughout his career as a data scientist, he has contributed his expertise to various sectors, including public relations, telecommunications, as well as sales and marketing. Email Saurabh to schedule an appointment.

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Covidence Pilot

The HSL is piloting Covidence for the next year (until June 2024). Covidence is an online tool that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other literature-intensive research projects. It coordinates the screening process of title/abstracts and full-text articles, and it facilitates the population of data extraction forms and risk of bias tables. This pilot allows all UC faculty, staff, and students to create an unlimited number of reviews. After the pilot, our librarians will perform an assessment of its use, its impact, and our budget to determine if the subscription will continue.

If you are interested in using this tool, please see our libguide and other helpful resources:


Please note that the HSL will not be able to provide systematic review support (search creation, review process, etc.) to individuals outside of our liaison areas. If you are wanting to conduct a systematic or scoping review and are not at the CoM, CoP, CoN, or CAHS please explore our Systematic Review LibGuide or our self-paced module So you want to conduct a systematic review.

If you have questions or would like to discuss Covidence or Systematic Review assistance with a librarian please reach out at:

HSL Newsletter: May Updates

May Updates

This month’s newsletter is extra short but is packed with great tools to help you gear up for summer! From new resources to Read & Publish deals and learning opportunities –we have the resources to fuel learning and research. If you have workshop suggestions, questions, or comments – leave us feedback.

New HSL ResourcesHSL New Resources Libguide

For the first time in a long time, the HSL has been able to purchase a number of new titles. Explore these new resources at:

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Trip Pro

The UC Health Sciences Library has recently upgraded our subscription to Trip Pro. Trip (Turning Research into Practice) is a clinical search engine that empowers researchers to quickly find high quality information. This resource includes 100,000+ systematic reviews, medical images and videos, regulatory guidance, clinical guidelines, and more. Trip Pro homepageHave questions or need help using this or other library resources? Contact us!