Currently Checked Out Library Materials

Many faculty, staff, students, and adjuncts who are now working from home have currently checked out library materials. Whether it’s an item from our Clermont Library, one of the other UC Libraries like Langsam, or SearchOhio/OhioLink, you do not need to worry about late fees! If you have books or other materials from UC Libraries, these should automatically renew and/or have an extended due date. If you have a SearchOhio, OhioLink, or Interlibrary Loan item that looks like it is accruing fines, those will be waived until we can return to campus.

UC Clermont Library does not have a book return dropbox and is not accepting any returns. Please do not attempt to return any materials at this time. If you plan on returning in the fall, please keep your materials and return them at that time. Otherwise, books may be returned to the drop slot at the main entrance of Langsam Library. When we get closer to returning to campus, we will send out more updates about returning materials.  If you have any questions, email the Clermont College Library at

Student Library Access during COVID-19

As we’re sure you’ve heard by now, the Clermont College Library is closed. However, that doesn’t mean there is no support for students as they continue their courses remotely. UC Libraries has resources available online 24/7 to help meet your scholarly source needs, including journal articles and eBooks. Just don’t forget off-campus access to these materials requires extra steps for authentication. For those that may need a reminder, there are a number of online help mechanisms such as the Summon tutorial or our research guides.

If you need any assistance using library resources or finding materials for your assignments, you may still reach the librarians. The Librarians are available by appointment to discuss your research and citation needs. Appointments will be held by WebEx or by phone. Our email is also always an option, and we are answering those within 1-hour during normal business hours.

For more information about how we are supporting our students, faculty, and staff from afar, check out our frequently asked questions page.