UC Libraries Seeks Books Good Enough to Eat for the International Edible Books Festival

Know of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival! It’s time once again for the fan-favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for Monday, April 1, 2019, from 1-2:00pm in the Walter C. Langsam Library’s … Continue reading

And the Winners are…Results of the 2018 International Edible Books Festival

The University of Cincinnati Libraries celebrated the International Edible Books Festival for the 16th year on April 3, 2018. A record 27 entries were created by students, faculty, staff, librarians, friends and family. This year included two mother-daughter teams and … Continue reading

UC Libraries Seeks Books Good Enough to Eat for the International Edible Books Festival

Know of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival! It’s time once again for the fan favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for 1-2 p.m., Tues, April 3, in the Walter … Continue reading

UC Libraries Seeks Edible Books Creators for Annual International Festival

Know of a good book to eat?! Create an Edible Book for UC Libraries International Edible Books Festival It’s time once again for the fan favorite International Edible Books Festival scheduled for Wednesday, April 1, 2015, from 1:00-2:00pm in Langsam Library’s 5th floor … Continue reading