University Honors Program Records in the Archives and Rare Books Library

The University Honors Program transferred two sets of records to the Archives and Rare Books Library for inclusion in the University Archives. The University Honors Program was created in 1968 as the McMicken Honors Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1991 the program was expanded to include students university-wide and became known as the Honors Scholars Program. The name changed again in 2007 to the University Honors Program when the program was redesigned to better meet the needs of students. Through the program, academically gifted students have the opportunity to enrich their academic experience through honors seminars for academic credit, experiential learning, travel, community engagement, and leadership opportunities. Continue reading

Iota Sigma Pi Collection Added to the University Archives

Violet Diller

Violet Diller

The Archives and Rare Books Library recently processed a new collection of records documenting activities of Iota Sigma Pi, a national chemistry honorary for women. Interest in an association for women in chemistry at the University of Cincinnati dates back to 1921 with the creation of Sigma Kappa, a local organization of woman chemistry majors. In 1923, they petitioned to become a chapter of Iota Sigma Pi and were installed as the Radium Chapter on May 26, 1923. Madame Curie, the first National Honorary Member of Iota Sigma Pi, was a sponsor of the chapter. Continue reading

CCM Library Open in New Location

The Albino Gorno Memorial Music (CCM) Library is now open in its new space on the 6th floor of the Blegen Library building. While the move is not yet complete, they are able to provide most services, and expect to be completely “up to speed” later next week. In the meantime, the library is open on its regular schedule, including this weekend.

To reach the CCM Library in its new location, please use the grand staircase on the 4th floor of Blegen to come to the 6th floor, where you’ll find the CCM Library entrance. Staff phone numbers remain unchanged.

Hamilton County Probate Court Makes Over 1.1 Million Historic Records Available Online

Probate Judge James Cissell announced on December 29, 2009 that probate records dating back to 1791 have been digitized and are now available for public use on the Probate Court website. The five-year project to digitize the records was intended to both preserve the original, sometimes fragile, records and provide increased public access to them. Included in the digitized records are indexes and docket books for estates, wills, trusts, marriages, guardianships, births, deaths, and physician certificates as well as minister’s license indexes and probate entries. A list of all available records and the search pages are available at Access to these records is important to historians and genealogists who are looking to document the life changing events of family and historic figures. Continue reading

ARB and the Irish

Smith's Cork History title pageThe Archives & Rare Books Library has received additional volumes restored through UC Libraries’ Preservation Services and national book conservators.  The most recent volumes that have returned represent the Irish history holdings.  ARB has an excellent collection of Irish history, literature, and drama that garners frequent use from students and researchers in a variety of fields, particularly English, history, European studies, and ethnology. Continue reading

UC student is winner in Knovel University Challenge

Aravind Ranganathan poses with his prize, an iPod nano

Aravind Ranganathan poses with his prize, an iPod nano

Aravind Ranganathan, a PhD student in Computer Science at the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), recently won an iPod nano by participating in the Knovel University Challenge. 

The Challenge was a nationwide contest for engineering students, and required them to locate answers to technical questions using collections in the Knovel online technical resource.  Knovel is a subscription product paid for by UC Libraries.  Aravind won in the “Contest Within a Contest” category. 

Here is the list of all winners:

While not busy with his PhD studies, Aravind enjoys working as a Graduate Assistant in the Engineering Library.  Congratulations!

Make learning a language your resolution for the New Year

According to Wikipedia, learning something new (such as a foreign language or music), is one of the popular New Year’s resolutions in the United States. But what if you don’t have the time to enroll in a class and cannot afford a learning kit from Rosetta Stone? The good news is that the University of Cincinnati Libraries have a wonderful collection of books, media, and other resources for you to learn a new language. Our collections primarily support the language courses offered through the School of World Languages and Cultures and offer resources for learning Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, and Swahili. We also have vast collections in the areas of German Studies and Romance Languages and Literatures. Find links to Internet and library resources and tips for finding videos and DVDs in foreign languages and/or about countries or cultures at our Language Resources page.

So if you are making a New Year’s resolution this year and you commit to learning a language and/or facts about a country or culture, the University of Cinciinati Libraries will help you to achieve your goal! Good luck!

Ever Wonder Where UC's President Lives?

When the University of Cincinnati was created in 1870, it was as a municipal university, and, it was always considered to be a “university of the city.”  This philosophy – that the university would draw from the city’s rich, vibrant resources of culture and business, and in turn render service to the city through its students and educational programs – meant that the university’s leaders would be “of the city” as well. Continue reading