Hot Chocolate-Marshmallows or Not?

Hot chocolate what to winAt Clermont College the snow’s been flying, the temperatures have dropped. How about some hot chocolate to keep you warm?

Do you like hot chocolate with marshmallows? No marshmallows?

Clermont College Library is giving away a mug filled with chocolate goodness, including hot chocolate and Ghirardelli chocolates.

For a chance to win:

  • Fill out an entry (one per person)
  • Mark marshmallows or no marshmallows
  • Drop the entry in the box.

We’ll draw a winner on January 27.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Color printing and scanning now available at the library!

printer 2

Printer and Scanner

There is a new addition to the Clermont College Library technology offerings located on the first floor. Stop by the library during open hours and try out the new multifunctional machine.

Device features:

  • An easy-to use, intuitive touch screeprinter 1n.
  • Color printing for $.35 per page.
  • Scanning to email for free, then documents can be printed using your print quota.

Ask any library staff member for additional help or for a quick tutorial on using the different features of this great new machine.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Student Art Spotlight: Natural Habitats + Library Aviary

Mythological Winged Creatures of the Sky by Mary Ann Kronoveter

Mythological Winged Creatures of the Sky by Mary Ann Kronoveter

Clermont College Library is pleased to bring you work from three student artists this semester, all from Professor Kelly Frigard’s Drawing II class.

Susan L. Kleine’s works examine the natural spaces near Kibbutz Ein Gedi, Israel.  These lush landscapes were based on Kleine’s travel photography using the watercolors.  Mary Ann Kronoveter’s bold pieces, entitled, “Mythological Winged Creatures of the Sky,” depict Cygnus and Phoenix.  Using watercolor, paint, and pencil Cassie Feldhaus created two large-scale works devoted to exotic birds, the lilac-breasted roller and the blue-throated passerine bird.

Stop by and view these lovely pieces anytime the library is open.  We love collaborating with the Fine Arts program to bring you Clermont College student art each term.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy

Library Director

Clermont College Library Spring Semester Hours


The Clermont College Library Spring Semester hours from
January 11-April 28, 2016 are as follows:

The library will be open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am-8:00 pm and on Fridays from 7:30 am-4:00 pm. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Additionally, the library will be closed in observance of:

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 18, 2016
  • Spring Break, March 21-27, 2016

As always, complete listing of our hours is available via our website.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Holiday Books Call Up Magical Memories

Growing up, books and the holidays went hand-in-hand. I received them and gave them as gifts. Some of them were magical and still call up pleasant memories. I wondered if my co-workers at the Clermont College Library had the same experience. So I asked them to tell me about a favorite holiday story from their childhood related to a special memory or moment. Here’s what they shared:



I have great childhood memories of the wordless picture book, The Snowman (1978) by Raymond Briggs.  Before I could read, I loved looking through the pages of this book and imagining words to match the beautiful illustrations.  The short film, also wordless, is lovely and features some unique accompanying music, too. –Katie


On Christmas Eve, the four of us had our ritual. In the afternoon, we night before Christmaswould make lots of cookies, then have a light supper, and hunt for a Christmas tree (That was before the parents’ famous artificial trees of pink and silver, including the color wheel!).

Then we would head home, have cookies and milk or hot chocolate, leaving some for Santa of course!  Dad would read the “The Night Before Christmas.” My brother and I would try so hard to see Santa, but we never saw him–we always fell asleep! –Kathi

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Clermont Library Winter Break Hours

Winter break photo

The Clermont College Library break hours from December 14-23, 2015 are as follows:

The library will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Additionally, the library will be closed for winter seasonal days:

  • Winter Seasonal Days – Closed Dec. 24-Jan. 4, 2016

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Help with End of Semester Research

Countdown to semester’s end!  How is that paper or project going? If you need help with research resources for your papers and projects, the Clermont College librarians are willing to help you in a variety of ways:

  • We can help you decide which databases to use for your topic and steer you toward other resources, such as books, scholarly articles, primary sources and interviews.
  • If you are having problems finding information for your paper, we will make recommendations.
  • We can also help you cite group

You may come into the library during our regular hours, but please consider making an appointment to guarantee a spot at this busy time.

Contact a librarian by phone or email:
Kathleen Epperson
Phone: 513.558.7010

If you like, we can Skype with you as well!

Note: UC EAST students can make an appointment to meet at either UC East or the Clermont Campus.

Kathleen Epperson
Reference Librarian

Win Movie Tickets

Who doesn’t enjoy a good movie during the holidays?

Clermont College Library is giving away two tickets to the Pierce Point Movie Cinema in Amelia. What a great treat for winter break. To enter stop by the library, fill out an entry, and drop it in the box in front of the Readbox trifold. The winner will be drawn on December 3.

movie ticket contest









If you have questions ask at the front desk.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Best American Writing

100 best short stories

100 Best American Short Stories

If you enjoy short stories, check out 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories from Clermont College Library’s collection. Lorrie Moore and Heidi Pitlor have selected forty stories from more than two thousand published in previous editions. Ernest Hemingway’s first published story is among the gems, along with writing by Flannery O’Connor and Alice Monroe. This is a great anthology of exemplary writing.

The library also added, The Best American Essays 2015, The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2015, and The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015 to the collection.

Go to the library’s catalog to find these notable books.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager