Winners of the Clermont College Library’s 6th Annual Haiku Contest

Clermont College Library received 73 exceptional haiku entries from 31 students this year.

First place winner, Treva Noakes-Miller, won a $50 gift card and all winners will be published in the East Fork, Clermont’s online literary journal.


1st Place

Our footsteps were wild

Untamed, sporadic. Underneath,

The grass breathed heavy

Treva Noakes-Miller


2nd Place

Humid air I choke,

The swelter of summer mist,

I cough up rain clouds.

Julia Wahle


3rd Place

I have never seen

ever more than one heron,

is it the same one?

Benjamin Ward


Honorable Mentions


Buy the neighbors land,

you go to take down the fence,

a tree grows through it

Benjamin Ward


They found the perfect soldier,

I could’ve followed them to hell and back,

and maybe I did.

McKenzie Bracco


In the dead of night

She suffered and was born dead

Through love she breathed

Christine Campbell


That night he held me

Fireflies were candlelight

And my ribs, a cage

Treva Noakes-Miller


Wrinkled sky, ripped clouds

Creases where you leaned in, drowned.

Ripples without sound

Treva Noakes-Miller


My art is something

raised by howling packs of wolves

drawing little lambs.

Jillian Cofskey

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Rebecca Morgan Frank to Visit Clermont College

On Thursday, April 6, Rebecca Morgan Frank, our National Poetry Month guest, will share about her journey as a poet. Join her for a Q & A from 9:30am-10:30am in Snyder 142, followed by a poetry workshop from 11am-noon, also in Snyder 142.

Later in the afternoon from 2pm-3pm, Clermont College Library will host a reading, signing, and reception with Dr. Frank. Thanks to Professor Phoebe Reeves and the ELF Department for organizing this great event.


We’re excited to celebrate poetry month in April. Please join us for all of the activities.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Want to Haiku at Clermont?

In honor of National Poetry Month, the Clermont College Library is sponsoring its 6th Annual Haiku Contest.

You must be a Clermont College student to participate. Write up to 3 haiku and submit them for a chance to win a $50 gift card.  Professors Phoebe Reeves and Cassie Fetters will serve as our judges.

Read the complete contest guidelines:

Submit haiku here: Haiku submissions

The entry deadline is April 12th.

Go forth and haiku!

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Irish Writers and Culture

Q: What do Oscar Wilde, Bono, and St. Patrick have in common?

A: They’re all Irish!

Check out your Clermont College Library for all things Irish, including books by Irish writers, plus books and videos (and streaming-specific video) about Ireland. If we don’t have what you need, we can find it for you. Click the authors’ names below for a listing of UC Libraries holdings.


Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849

Gregory, Lady, 1852 1932

Joyce, James, 1882-1941

Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989

Heaney, Seamus, 1939-2013

Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912

Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745

Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900

Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Freedom of Information Day

Did you know that March 16th, Freedom of Information Day, is also the birthday of U.S. President James Madison?  That’s no accident, as Madison was famously known for his advocacy of transparency in government.

In addition to the Federal Library Depository Program, various internet-based portals exist to promote access to government information.  Federal Digital System (FDSys) provides access to official publications from all three branches of the federal government. The site will migrate soon to GovInfo, now in beta release. Great reading here – from congressional reports to presidential papers to recent bills.

Freedom of Information Day represents an idea that has always been integral to libraries – open access for all.  What are you doing with your freedom?


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Director, UC Clemront College Library

Social Workers’ Month!

UC Clermont College Library invites you to celebrate National Professional Social Work month!

Every March the spotlight shines on social workers across the country. It is their moment to highlight their profession and contributions. Stop by the display case located on the second floor in Snyder to honor these wonderful professionals and see the library’s resources that support social work students!

Watercolor at Clermont

Do you enjoy painting? Need some down time between classes?

Stop by Clermont College Library and try your hand at watercolor painting. We have all the supplies set up and waiting for you.

We also have books on watercolor you may want to check out:

The Watercolor Book: Materials and Techniques for Today’s Artist

Water Color: Paintings by Contemporary Artists

Getting Started in Watercolor

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Book Review: Freedom Over Me: Eleven Slaves, their Lives and Dreams Brought to Life by Ashley Bryan

Through painted portraits, and the voices and thoughts he imagined for them, three-time Coretta Scott King winner, Ashely Bryan, has created a beautiful picture book relating the lives of eleven slaves. Using an authentic estate document from the Fairchild’s Appraisement, July 5, 1828, that listed each slave with a price, Bryan breathed life and humanity into what was then believed to be the owner’s “property.”

My favorite parts of the book are the pages that express the slaves’ inner thoughts. The illustrations come across as dream-like, which gives a surreal feel to their personal expression. Written in free verse—this would be a perfect read aloud for Black History month.

Check out Freedom Over Me from the Clermont College Library.


Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Puzzled at Clermont?

Did you know the first jigsaw puzzles were created in 1762 by London mapmaker, John Spilsbury? He created them from “engraved maps pasted onto wood and cut into pieces along political boundaries.”

Putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a great way to spend downtime. We have set up a puzzle table in Clermont College Library for everyone’s enjoyment. We hope you’ll stop by and be puzzled!

Williams, Anne D. “Jigsaw Puzzles.” Early American Homes 28.6 (1997): 28. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 13 Jan. 2017.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Welcome Back, Clermont Students!

Dear Students,

I’m so happy to welcome you all back to campus!

With help from generous donors, we’ve worked hard during the winter break to make the library a better place for you to study, hang out, and get assistance with research. The big changes  include an upgraded service point and new front doors. We’ve also relocated some furniture and the printer-scanner combo in order to serve you better. Stay tuned for more improvements coming soon this term, including electric access for more first floor study tables and for the circular couches in the library atrium.

Let me know what you think of all of the changes!

Best wishes for a productive and happy spring semester,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director