by Christian Boyles and Michelle McKinney
Your UCBA Library’s current display features a selection of books and DVDs that are featured on PBS’s The Great American Read program. The Great American Read is an eight-part series Continue reading
by Christian Boyles and Michelle McKinney
Your UCBA Library’s current display features a selection of books and DVDs that are featured on PBS’s The Great American Read program. The Great American Read is an eight-part series Continue reading
Display and LiBlog Post by Library Student Assistant Tiffany Fite
We’ve scoured our shelves and searched the system to create a display of the Nerdiest and Geekiest books in our collection. Want to know more about Wonder Woman’s Origins? Careers in Video Game design? The development of the iPhone? Starting July 16, come to the UCBA Library for your daily intake of Science, Comics, Math, Video Games, and so much more. Let’s Geek Out!
View the Library Display LibGuide to browse the display online.
Book Display and LiBlog Post by Library Student Assistant Haiden Reno
For the month of July UCBA Library will be exploring the British Isles! Learn about Stonehenge, Arthurian Legend, Jack The Ripper and the history of Witchcraft. We have travel guides for Continue reading
For the month of June UCBA library will be showcasing LGBTQ+ Pride month with a selection of books and media celebrating LGBTQ+ authors, musicians, activists, and artists. Whether you are new to the topic of Pride or well versed, we have memoirs, poetry, and even popular culture icons; there is something for everyone!
“When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.”–Barack Obama
Visit the UCBA Library Display guide to browse a selection of titles from the display.
Library Student Assistant Haiden Reno’s LGBTQ Pride Month Display
Display & LiBlog post by Library Student Assistant Haiden Reno
Are you looking for something fun to do this summer? Take a look at Clermont College Library’s display case, on the second floor of the Snyder building. You’ll find books on everything from origami to making art on an iPad. There is even a book on exploring Cincinnati.
The library’s two display cases, (one near the library in Peters-Jones and one on the second floor of Snyder) showcase items you can check out, all year round.
Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager
Post and Display by Tiffany Fite, UCBA Library Student Assistant
UCBA Library Student Assistant Tiffany Fite with her Weird Science book display.
The UC Blue Ash Library is happy to show off our nerdy side with a book display on the coolest topics in science we have available. Ever been interested in a topic but didn’t want to take a whole class on it? Are you Continue reading
By: Christian Boyles and Lauren Wahman
The UCBA Library’s display for the month of March features a selection of books and journal articles written by UCBA faculty. It includes works of poetry, the history of UCBA, technology’s impact on teaching and learning, and how Glee influenced pop culture and social issues. The display can be found at the entrance of the library and on the reference shelf near the print station. The displays will be available through March 31st.
The UCBA Library has two displays running for the month of February: the African American Read In display (located at the entrance of the library) and the Black History Month display (located near the print station). Both displays will be available through February 28th.
Titles from the African American Read-In display can be used for the college sponsored Read-In event scheduled for Thursday, Febuary 8, 2018 from 12:30pm-1:45pm in the Audiotorium lobby. Read In events are held nationally during Black History Month and highlights African American authors. A full list of titles can be browsed online on the National African American Read In Guide along with information on how to volunteer as a reader.
by Heather Maloney
UC Blue Ash 50th Anniversary Display
The UCBA Library welcomes a Cincinnati Museum Center exhibit honoring our college’s 50th Anniversary. The display includes 1960’s era consumer products, a brief overview of major events and statistics of 1967, and a monitor running historic video entitled “Outlook 67”, produced by National Television featuring an overview of the economy for the then upcoming year 1967. Take a break from exams to stop by and check it out!
Curate My Community is a series of exhibits at various locations that lets the Cincinnati Museum Center’s share its rich collections and the region’s incredible natural and man-made history with lifelong Members and new audiences. Together with partner organizations throughout the community we’ll continue to spark curiosity, educate people about the science and history of the region, and inspire lifelong learners. Read more at
Stop by the UCBA Library and check out these new titles before they hit the shelves. You can also browse the list of books on the New Titles at Your UCBA Library guide. Visit the Borrowing & Returning page for details on borrowing these titles.