Just a few reminders for you and your students from the RWC Library….
Search with Summon: The New Library Search Tool

The RWC Library has added a powerful new search tool, Summon, to our website. From a single search box located prominently on the homepage, Summon provides easy and fast discovery of relevant information from the UC Libraries collections on any topic. It is the place to start research in journal and newspaper articles, books, government documents, maps, music recordings, videos, digital collections, and more. Summon is still growing and in development as features continue to improve and content is added regularly. User feedback is welcomed and can be sent via an online form. More information about Summon is available online.
Library Instruction Services
The RWC Library offers a variety of library instruction services to meet the need of your classes, curriculum, and assignments. Click here for a sampling of our teaching plans to find out what we can do in the classroom. Be sure to schedule a library instruction session using the online Instruction Request Form.
Blackboard Librarian
This service provides direct access to a librarian and curricular support for students. Contact your library liaison about creating a Library Research content area in your course which can include helpful research tips, links to course-specific resources, and research guides. Click here for a sampling to find out what we can do in Blackboard.
Class Assignments
With spring classes underway, the RWC librarians ask that faculty provide copies of class research assignments to your library liaison. We can provide more effective research assistance when we understand the goals of the assignment and any preferred resources (free websites, library subscription databases, etc). RWC librarians are also available to collaborate in the development or review of any library research assignments. Refer to Creating Effective Library Assignments for tips and suggestions.
New Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Guide
The RWC Library has created a new online research guide for faculty interested in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). This online guide provides direct access to databases, books, journals, tests and measurements, and websites along with information about the Library’s Learning & Teaching Collection.
Purchase Request Form
All members of the RWC community are encouraged to recommend books, media or journals for purchase by the Library. To submit a request, please complete the online Library Purchase Request Form and email it to your library liaison. This form is located on the Library’s Collections Page which also includes the Collection Development Policy.
RWC Committee Minutes
The Library posts RWC committee minutes, annual committee reports, the college-wide strategic plans and the faculty and staff handbooks on the RWC Committee & Faculty Committee Minutes, Bylaws Changes & Reports web page. Library staff collect the minutes distributed to the College and post them by the end of each month. Questions concerning content should be directed to the appropriate committee chair. For questions concerning the posting process please contact Stephena Harmony by email or phone 513-936-1547.

Deadlines for Summer Quarter Reserves
Summer quarter will be here before we know it. In anticipation of this, please submit the items that you would like placed on Traditional Reserve by Thursday, June 9, 2011.
Those of you who designated traditional reserve items for Spring quarter only; these items will be removed and returned to you as per your request. If you would like to keep items on Reserve please contact Tammy Manger at 936-1542 or tamra.manger@uc.edu by June 9th.
Faculty that have Blackboard E-Reserve articles designated for Spring quarter only: these items will be removed when your Blackboard course ends. Please do not copy over any articles to the next quarter as this will cause a block for future articles to be posted.
Reminder: Don’t forget to get those Summer quarter items submitted as soon as possible or by June 9th.
Library Workshops
Join us for the Google for Research workshop on Thursday, May 12th, 1:00-2:00 pm in Muntz 158. Learn about Google tools that can help you create, organize, collaborate, and research. Click here to register. To see resources and materials from previous workshops, click here.
Upcoming Events Sponsored by UC Libraries
- Authors, Editors & Composers: On Tuesday, April 12, 2011, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will recognize the publishing and creative accomplishments of UC’s faculty at this annual event. Scheduled for 3:30 pm in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center at UC, “Authors, Editors & Composers” will pay tribute to the 2010 scholarly and creative works of UC’s faculty with a reception, presentation of selected works, a printed bibliography, and an exhibit.
- Life of the Mind Series: Life of the Mind is a new annual series that highlights the innovative thinkers on UC’s campus with multidisciplinary interactions via provocations on important themes. The series includes intriguing insights from diverse perspectives, and encourages faculty and students from across UC to engage in further discourse. The theme for Session 1 is TECHNOLOGY and scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 3:30-5pm, Alumni Center.
Reminders for students:
UC Students can reserve Group Study Rooms. Each Group Study Room is multimedia equipped with a 52–inch flat screen, a computer with Sympodium interactive monitor (except for room F) and DVD/VCR players. Rooms are for UC student use and may be reserved for student groups only.
During peak hours, students can take advantage of the Laptop Checkout service instead of waiting for an available computer in the lab. Three laptops with Internet access and MS Office 2007 are available for check-out to RWC students for use in the RWC Library.
RWC Library Liaisons
- Stephena Harmony: stephena.harmony@uc.edu, 513-936-1547
Art & Visual Communication, eMedia, History, Art History, Philosophy & Political Science, Office of Information Technology
- Heather Maloney: heather.maloney@uc.edu, 513-936-1541
Allied Health, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Radiation Therapy
- Michelle McKinney: michelle.mckinney@uc.edu, 513-936-1546
Behavioral Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics & Computer Science, Veterinary Technology
- Lauren Wahman: lauren.wahman@uc.edu, 513-936-1545
Business & Economics, English & Communication, Foreign Language