Acknowledging a job well done

june taylor-slaughter

In the spring of 2024, June Taylor-Slaughter, research and services specialist in the Science & Engineering Libraries, was working the UC Libraries help-line chat when author D. B. Borton asked an out of the ordinary question.

Borton attended UC in the 1980’s and wanted to use Langsam Library as a setting for a mystery novel she was writing. Unable to recall information about the library carrels, she used Library Chat for answers. Barton said she wasn’t sure if anyone would be able to assist her. Coincidentally, June told her that she was also a student at that time working in Langsam Library. She was able to provide Borton with exactly the details she needed to include in her book. Borton was so grateful and told her she’d send her a copy.

After not thinking about the instance for a while, June was pleasantly surprised one day when she received a copy of Borton’s finished novel along with a hand-written thank-you note – and on the third page of the book, a special acknowledgment.

When asked about the acknowledgment, June said, “It was the best reward from working Library chat. You can help someone with the smallest thing, but you don’t know how much it’s appreciated until it’s acknowledged, so I am humbly grateful. This acknowledgment wasn’t just for me, but also for UC Libraries. I’m really looking forward to reading this book!”

UC Libraries Available via CHAT Service to Answer Your Research and Reference Questions

chat graphicAre you researching a paper and need help finding a quote? Looking for sheet music? Need help connecting to e-books? UC Libraries is available online to assist with research and scholarly work. Our librarians, staff and student workers are also available to answer questions via a new CHAT service.

Have a question? Need help with research? Available at, the Libraries CHAT service is available 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday. After hours, users can still go online to ask a reference or circulation question or to e-mail a subject librarian or library staff member directly. Continue reading

Help with End of Semester Research

Countdown to semester’s end!  How is that paper or project going? If you need help with research resources for your papers and projects, the Clermont College librarians are willing to help you in a variety of ways:

  • We can help you decide which databases to use for your topic and steer you toward other resources, such as books, scholarly articles, primary sources and interviews.
  • If you are having problems finding information for your paper, we will make recommendations.
  • We can also help you cite group

You may come into the library during our regular hours, but please consider making an appointment to guarantee a spot at this busy time.

Contact a librarian by phone or email:
Kathleen Epperson
Phone: 513.558.7010

If you like, we can Skype with you as well!

Note: UC EAST students can make an appointment to meet at either UC East or the Clermont Campus.

Kathleen Epperson
Reference Librarian