Recent Scopus Enhancements

Check out recently enhanced features in Scopus!

Cited References:

  • Now goes back to 1970 for a more complete picture of author activity
  • Estimate 10,000+ articles will be re-processed to included cited references
  • Archives from all major publishers with available digital archives

Funding Data Expansion:

  • 2016 going forward; back fill to 2008
  • Provide full text funding information included with citation
  • Allows for verification & identifying additional funding sources

Open Access Journal Indicator:

  • ‘Sources’ or journals indexed in Scopus (click on Sources top right of screen) now provides ability to Display Open Access Journals
  • Click on ‘Browse sources’ and select  Display Open Access Journals


  • A simple metric for all Scopus Journals – look up a journal and see the CiteScore (similar to Impact Factor)
  • CiteScore value = (A) documents from past 3 years divided by (B) number of citations in a particular year


Image of CiteScore, a new feature in the database Scopus

Scopus: New Design!


On February 1, 2014, Scopus released a new more action driven design.  New redesign features include:

  • Items or icons will only appear active when an action is performed.  For example, the search history on the home page is not shown until a search is performed.
  • Export options will be available when results are selected to export.
  • Search results are easier to scan with options that appear only when results are selected.
  • Author and Affiliation profiles have been condensed to optimize scanning.
  • The reference manager Mendeley has been added to the export options.
  • Once export options have been selected and saved, the next export can be done with just one click.

For more information see the Scopus Blog  or explore Scopus.  Questions?  Contact Edith Starbuck at 513-558-1433 or