The World’s Finest Cinema Brought to You by Your Library & Kanopy


We are pleased to announce that the University of Cincinnati Libraries has recently introduced a new online video streaming service, Kanopy

With over 26,000 films and more added monthly, Kanopy includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films, and indie films. The database includes films from many of the leading producers, including the Criterion Collection, PBS, HBO California Newsreel, BBC, Kino Lorber, New Day Films, The Great Courses, First Run Features, The Video Project, and hundreds more.

Kanopy has an incredible range of films available: from PBS Shakespeare Uncovered Collection, through Food Choices to Art & Copy – viewers can filter subject searches by most popular,  subject, supplier, filmmaker and more.

Kanopy’s streaming interface makes it easy to watch, share, discuss and engage with films across campus. Instructors: it’s easy to use Kanopy in your coursework. You can share films, create clips or teaching playlists, and embed them into Blackboard. See the Kanopy homepage for more information or contact library staff for help.


Just in Time for Exams. Stress Less Events @ Langsam Library

stress less eventsCrafternoons

Take a time out from studying with Triceracopter for some fun and creative activities on:

  • Wed, November 30: 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  • Thurs, December 1, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Sponsored by Student Wellness Center, Campus Ministry at St. Monica-St. George and the Women’s Center.

Recharge, Refresh and Breathe

Need a BREAK!  Reboot with a 10-minute session of deep breathing and gentle stretching.  Studies show that mediation and yoga breaks are most effective at boosting productivity so join the circle, relax and get back to work with a fresh perspective.

Sessions will be offered by Kimber Andrews, Assistant Director of CET&L on:

  • Tues, November 29 at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. 5 p.m. & 8 p.m.
  • Tuesday December 6 at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. 5 p.m. & 8 p.m.

Victorian Gingerbread Village Coloring Banner

Bring some color to the gingerbread village banner.

  • Begins Thurs, December 1, next to Starbucks.

Who Let the Dog In?

Take a break from your studies and come meet Dozer, Labrador in the K-9 Unit of UC’s Public Safety Department.

Mon, December 5: 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Writing Assistance Available in the Health Sciences Library Every Wednesday in September

Need help with writing? Visit the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library any Wednesday in September and sign up for a same-day appointment with a writing tutor. Receive free writing assistance on all documents, including: personal statements, grant applications, reports and articles.

The writing tutor is available from 12:45pm-5:45pm on September 14, 21 and 28 in the Health Sciences Library’s Informatics Lab located on the E level. Simply visit the library to sign up for a same-day appointment with the writing tutor, then come back to the library at your scheduled time.

The service is open to all. For more information, contact Joseph Cunningham of the Academic Writing Center at

Langsam Library’s 4th Floor Now Open 24/7

As the university’s main library, the Walter C. Langsam Library — and especially the busy fourth floor — is a destination of choice for University of Cincinnati students. Beginning Aug. 21, UC students, faculty and staff looking for a place to study for an exam, access a public computer or meet with a project team to finish an assignment now have access to the fourth floor of Langsam Library 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Langsam Library

No library staff or services requiring assistance will be available after The Desk@Langsam closes; however, security will be present thanks to UC’s Public Safety. A valid UC ID is required to enter the library after The Desk@Langsam closes. The hours for The Desk@Langsam and the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) are listed online at Continue reading

UC Libraries Websites & Other Online Services Unavailable June 18 from 3-8:30am.

The UC Libraries websites will be unavailable June 18 from 3-8:30am as IT@UC performs planned network maintenance.

All systems and devices house in the IT@UC Data Center will be unavailable from approximately 3-8:30 a.m. EDT, Saturday, June 18, for network maintenance. Student, faculty and staff email systems are not expected to be affected by the outage.   Almost all other UC online systems will be affected, including all ‘’ web sites, Canopy, Blackboard, Box at UC, Echo360, Kaltura, Catalyst (student information system), the central login system, WebEx, Microsoft Lync, the UC Virtual Private Network (VPN) and UC FileSpace.

Library systems that are affected include our websites,, Scholar@UC, Journals@UC, the Digital Resource Commons, and the Luna Image and Media repository.

We expect that the library catalog –  will be available during this time.  OhioLINK resources will not be affected by this outage, except that off campus users who need to authenticate should use the Libraries Proxy Server instead of VPN.

A link to more information about this #ITUCUpdate is available at

Scholar@UC Open for Self-Submissions

UC Libraries invischolar@uctes faculty and researchers to submit their research, creative and scholarly works to Scholar@UC, the university’s cutting-edge digital repository.

A digital repository makes accessible, enables re-use, stores, organizes and preserves the full range of an institution’s intellectual output, including all formats of scholarly, historical and research materials. Faculty and researchers can use Scholar@UC to collect their work in one location and create an Internet-enabled, durable and citable record of their papers, presentations, publications, data sets or other scholarly creations. With sponsorship from a faculty member, undergraduate and graduate students may also contribute their academic output, such as capstone projects, senior design projects, research data and other creative and scholarly works. Continue reading

Welcome to the New Entrance to the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library

GMP entrance

New exterior entrance.

When users of the Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library returned to campus for spring semester, they were greeted with a new entrance to the library. The more accessible and visible entrance is located on the exterior of Braunstein Hall across from the Old Chemistry Building and visible from the quad. It includes a book drop as well as a lounge space adjacent to the new entrance.

Over the next six months there are plans to improve the library’s upper level. First, the service desk and reserves will move across the room to be adjacent to the external entrance. In addition, more lounge and group collaboration spaces will be created, as well as a computing space to support GIS needs.

The new entrance will allow many people to discover, or re-discover, this library, and to make use of its resources.

GMP entrance

View from the quad.


GMP entrance and lounge.

View of the interior and the lounge adjacent to the new entrance.