UCBA Library is Hiring!

by Elizabeth Sullivan

Now Hiring Student Workers with 3 people icons

Are you a positive, service-oriented, and reliable person?  Do you love books, technology, and helping others?  Are you looking for student employment for summer and fall semesters?  Then, a job at the library may be for you!

The UCBA Library is seeking enthusiastic student workers to join Continue reading

UCBA Faculty Research Lightning Talks

by Lauren Wahman

These short presentations will showcase faculty research and share different aspects of the research process.

Thursday, March 28 from 2:00-3:00 pm
Muntz Hall 117

Ruth Benander
Barriers and Supports: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Student Perceptions in Comp and Comm Courses

Amy Miller & Patrick Owen
Blending Ecological, Microbiological, and Molecular Techniques to Create Multifaceted Undergraduate Research Projects

Ornaith O’Dowd 
The Ethics of Microaggressions

Design Our 2019 National Library Week Button

button contest graphic

Create the winning design for our National Library Week buttons and win UCBA swag, sweets and bragging rights! Design submissions will be accepted from March 18 – April 4, 2019. The winning design will be determined using a blind submission and voting process among the UCBA Library Team.

Visit libraries.uc.edu/ucba/button.html for more details and to download the button template.

Celebrate Women’s History Month

by Lauren Wahman

Women's History Month browsing displayThe UCBA Library is celebrating Women’s History Month and the amazing global contributions of women with two different displays!  The first display (located in the Reference area) showcases books and media covering a wide range of topics from science, art, business, politics, law, activism, education, and social issues.  It also includes UCBA’s Women of the World (WoW) schedule of events.

The second display (located in the Journals area) highlights women’s fiction with an array of titles from Amy Tan, Bharati Mukherjee, Alice Walker, Margaret Atwood, Yaa Gyasi, and more.

Stop by and borrow a book or DVD from one of the displays!



Explore Women’s History Month:

UCBA Library To Host An Introduction to Records Management Workshop

Introduction to Records Management Workshop

laptop sitting on desk

Presented by Eira Tansey, Digital Archivist/Records Manager, UC Libraries
Wednesday, March 13 from 2p-3p
Muntz 117 (Learning & Teaching Center)

During this workshop, we will discuss the University’s records policy and requirements, benefits you will receive from managing your records, your responsibilities as an employee, and the proper means of records disposal and archiving.

Please RSVP at https://uc.libsurveys.com/workshop-registration by Monday, March 11th.

Did You Know? Get Insider Tips This January at the Library

By Elizabeth Sullivan

As we ease ourselves into Spring Semester, the UCBA Library is here to help you start off on the right foot with some tips and insider tricks.  Did you know that scattered throughout our shelves are a selection of graphic novels and contemporary fiction?  How about that the library has access to over 800 databases and we can help you navigate them as you work on your research?  Maybe you just need to relax with a film.  Did you know the library has a variety of documentaries and feature films available to checkout or stream?

Explore the UCBA Library this semester to learn more with facts and tips throughout our space.  We are also featuring our collections of fiction, graphic novels, DVDs, and biographies and memoirs.  These items are on display and available for checkout with a valid UC ID through the month of January.

UCBA Library Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

MLK Day graphic

The UCBA Library will be closed Monday, January 21st in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We will resume our regular Spring Semester hours on Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:30 am.

Please visit our hours webpage to view all UCBA Library hours, including holidays and any exceptions to our regular schedule.

Another Successful Year of Spreading Warmth

Heather Maloney and Jen Ellis with donated items

Heather Maloney and Jen Ellis

Thank you to all who generously donated new and gently used coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and even blankets to support our UCBA Cares – Spread the Warmth Drive 2018. We collected over 200 items and donated them this week to the Talbert House. Our donations will help make this winter and the holiday season a lot warmer for so many who are truly in need!

The Spread the Warmth Drive was sponsored and coordinated by Heather Maloney, director of the UCBA Library, and Jen Ellis, chair of our Nursing Department.

Winter Break Hours

Winter Break Hours image

The UCBA College Library will have the following hours during winter break:

  • Saturday, December 15 – Sunday, January 6:  CLOSED
  • Monday, January 7 – Thursday, January 10:  12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Friday, January 11:  12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Library will resume regular Spring Semester hours on Monday, January 14th at 7:30 am.

Please visit our UC Blue Ash Library Hours page to view all of our hours, including holidays and any exceptions to our regular schedule.

UCBA Library Open Saturday Before Finals

photo of a clock

If you need a place to get some extra studying done before finals, the UCBA Library is here for you!  We will be open special hours on Saturday, December 8 from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.  Come stop by to work on a project, use a computer, book a study room, or just focus on studying in a quiet environment.

The Library will resume regular Fall Semester hours on Monday, December 10th at 7:30 am.

Please visit our UC Blue Ash Library Hours page to view all of our hours, including holidays and any exceptions to our regular schedule.