Quiet Floor Quest at UC Clermont

In Fall 2023, the UC Clermont Learning Commons joined the Marcotte Library space on the 2nd floor. After a year and half of the collaboration, we’ve heard your feedback! The 2nd floor of the library will return to a quiet study space. Learning Commons activities and sessions will now be held on the 1st floor, which will make it easier to access and allow for the noise that accompanies group activities.

Open study space will still be available on the 1st floor. If space should be tight, the second floor will be available. Check in for Learning Commons activities will now occur at the front desk. To help increase visibility of the upstairs study space, UC Clermont will be hosting the Quiet Floor Quest through January 24.

 Locate 5 hidden bearcats in the library who each have secret word to share with you. Submit the hidden message in our online form to show you found each of the wily bearcats. Participants in the scavenger hunt will be in raffle for stuffed bearcat of their own with other UC swag.

Online Meeting? Reserve Clermont’s Video Conferencing Rooms

UC Clermont’s Marcotte Library now has video conferencing rooms available to students. Two group rooms on the first floor now include a new mounted display with a built-in camera and microphone. You can sign in to the display using a mouse and keyboard available at the front desk or connect your laptops to the display to host your meeting. The rooms can be reserved online through our website or through the QR codes posted on the doors.

The rooms remain first-come, first-served when no reservations have been made at least 1-business day in advance. Just stop by the front desk to have the room unlocked!

UC Clermont Marcotte Library, 2023-2024

The last year was another great one. Some top highlights from the year:

  • Naming the library in honor of Frederick A. Marcotte, UC Clermont’s first librarian
  • Welcoming the Learning Commons onto the 2nd floor
  • Deploying a public access computer for community members to access online library resources
  • Offering a faculty workshop on integrating the libraries in Canvas with UC Blue Ash
  • Reviving pre-pandemic events, such as Pi Day and Edible Books.

For more highlights and photos on the Marcotte Library @ UC Clermont’s year, view our Sway report.

Spring Semester Review for UC Clermont

This spring, we had many exciting things happening in the Marcotte Library @ UC Clermont.

  • Our first floor upgraded the computers, including installing a public access computer for visitors.
  • Faculty in our ATIP program began the work in replacing their traditional textbook with affordable materials.
  • We partnered and offered exciting events for everyone, such as the Women’s History Month series, Poetry Readings, and more.

This summer we hope to make more facilities changes based on feedback from our student survey. Keep an eye for these changes in the Fall semester!

Cougar PAWS for a T-Shirt

Cougar PAWS (Personalized Assistance With Searching) Research Appointment will make finding sources more efficient and easier with higher quality results. Work with your Frederick A. Marcotte librarian at UC Clermont to get the best materials for your upcoming research assignment. Schedule your appointment to meet in the library or online. Those who attend their PAWS appointment for a research assignment will receive a UC Clermont t-shirt. 

Semester in Review at UC Clermont

Fall 2023 was one for the books at UC Clermont. Here were some of the highlights:

  • There were several events in the library with Edible Books, SpanishPalooza, and a Poetry Reading.
  • Three faculty were granted the Alternative Textbook Incentive Program opportunity, and one earned an OhioLINK Affordable Learning grant.
  • Our library became named as the Frederick A. Marcotte Library.
  • The Learning Commons joined our space on the second floor.
  • Cougar PAWS offered t-shirts to students who met with a librarian about their research.

With such exciting happenings, Spring semester will surely be just as great!

Naming the Frederick A. Marcotte Library at UC Clermont

The University of Cincinnati Clermont College celebrated the opening and renovation of three dynamic, mostly donor-funded campus spaces Oct.17, including renaming the UC Clermont Library. The UC Clermont library is now the Frederick A. Marcotte Library, renamed for the college’s original librarian.

Read the full news story at UC News.

Fred Marcotte, College Librarian, in 1989 burning card catalog
Former Library Director Frederick Marcotte in the UC Clermont library, 1989.

Cougar PAWs for a T-Shirt

Cougar PAWS (Personalized Assistance With Searching) Research Appointment will make finding sources more efficient, easier, and higher quality results. Work with your Frederick A. Marcotte librarian at UC Clermont to get the best materials for your upcoming research assignment. Schedule your appointment to meet in the library or online. Those who attend their PAWS appointment for a research assignment will receive a UC Clermont t-shirt. 

UC Clermont Library Annual Report

Want to know what UC Clermont Library during the 2022-2023 academic year? You can find our annual report on Sway with your UC log in credentials.

This issue’s sections align with the UC Clermont Library’s planning strategies:

  • Develop Space
  • Provide Access
  • Promote Teaching & Learning
  • Foster a Community Culture
  • Faculty & Staff Highlights
  • By the Numbers