New wireless display for collaboration, CEAS Library

Wireless display monitor

Wireless display monitor in Baldwin 850F study room

The CEAS Library, 850 Baldwin Hall, now has a large display screen available for wireless projection in group study room 850F.  Using a touch panel, choose from several options to project from your personal device:

  • Apple TV – MAC, iOS devices
  • AirMedia – PC, Android, MAC, iOS devices (does not support streaming video)
  • Miracast – Android, PC devices (does support streaming video)

Study room 850F seats up to 3 people comfortably, and it can be reserved in advance.  Enjoy!

Countercurrent Distribution Once Again : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 32, May/June 2015

The circa 1949 Craig cylindrical countercurrent distribution apparatus recently donated to the Oesper Collections by Dr. Edward Bennett (Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection).

The circa 1949 Craig cylindrical countercurrent
distribution apparatus recently donated to the Oesper Collections by Dr. Edward Bennett (Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection).

Issue 32 describes the recent acquisition of an even earlier version of a Craig countercurrent distribution apparatus than the version that was described in issue 3 of 2010.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

American Institute of Physics (AIP) e-journals active

E-journals hosted on the American Institute of Physics’ Scitation platform, including titles from AIP and other professional societies related to physics, are once again active.

See the full list of subscribed titles and years of coverage.  Access these titles at

With this new local subscription, UC researchers can now access the full package of AIP journals and conference proceedings, including new-to-UC titles such as Biomicrofluidics.  UC users also have access to selected journal titles from other societies, such as Medical Physics and journals of the Acoustical Society of America and AAPT.

Contact Ted Baldwin with questions: or 513-556-4211.

SciFinder: Use “Other Sources” link to locate full-text

New name for full-text link in SciFinder

Important tip & update for SciFinder users! The database has changed its former “Full Text” links to the non-intuitive phrases “Other Sources” and “Link to Other Sources” on the brief and full record displays, respectively. The links still function the same as before, but are now represented by these new phrases.  Contact Ted Baldwin with questions, or 513-556-4211.


Brief display (results list):
screen snap of other sources button


Full record display (after clicking on article title):
screen snap of other sources button

Stumping the Curator : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 31, March/April 2015

The restored 1913 Foster flashpoint apparatus.

The restored 1913 Foster flashpoint apparatus.

Issue 31 of Museum Notes recounts some of the puzzles that have confronted the museum curator when it comes to identifying the nature and use of some of the items that are donated to the museum.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

UC Libraries to Present Workshop on Research Practices

Workshop Announcement:

On March 11 and 12, UC Libraries will sponsor the Center of Open Science for a workshop on reproducible research practices.

This workshop is free for attendees.  There are two opportunities to attend, with same content offered at each session.  Please register by Monday, March 2 at

  • Wednesday, March 11, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, East Campus (Health Sciences Library, MSB G005G Electronic Classroom)
  • Thursday, March 12, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, West Campus (Langsam Library 480)

Continue reading

Upcoming workshops: SciFinder, Reaxys, Mendeley & ChemWorx

workshopsGeethika Weragoda, Graduate Assistant at the Chemistry-Biology and Chemistry PhD student, will present several workshops in Langsam Library classroom 475 in the coming weeks.

Learn about using SciFinder & Reaxys for research in chemistry and related sciences, and about collaborating/managing citations with Mendeley & ChemWorx.  Each workshop will be offered twice.

Note: later this semester, we will also present workshops on LaTeX, RefWorks, Python scripting, and Screencasting.  Current schedule at

Please register for these workshops at


Reaxys & SciFinder Basics: Substance & Property Searching
Wednesday  01/21/2015               10:00 AM — 11:00 AM
Monday  02/02/2015                    10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Reaxys & Scifinder are search tools designed to retrieve chemical reactions, substance data, literature references, and other related information. These databases cover all aspects of chemistry and life sciences, including biochemistry, biology, pharmacology, medicine, and related disciplines. This workshop introduces several ways to search for information, including chemical structure, formula, and physical property parameters. Please register for your own account on each system before attending the workshops. Information on creating accounts can be found at and

Reaxys & Scifinder Advanced: Search Reactions & Plan your Synthesis
Monday  01/26/2015      01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Tuesday  02/03/2015      09:00 AM — 10:00 AM

Gain hands-on experience with advanced search techniques in the Reaxys & Scifinder search tools. Topics: 1) drawing tools for chemical reaction searching, 2) Creating alerts (e.g.: Keep-Me-Posted in Scifinder) and email notifications, 3) Using Reaxys & SciFinder to plan a synthesis project and share it with colleagues.  Note: If you are not familiar with drawing tools, you are encouraged to attend the “Reaxys & SciFinder Basic” workshop or to review the related database guides: and


Citing & Collaboration Tools: Mendeley & ACS ChemWorx

Tuesday  01/27/2015                      10:00 AM — 11:00 AM
Wednesday  02/11/2015               10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

Learn about Mendeley & ChemWorx, two citation & collaboration tools designed for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online. As available as both desktop and web-based versions, these tools help you establish access groups and communicate within these groups. Topics: 1) Install of ChemWorx & Mendeley, 2) Input & organize your citations, 3) Add bookmarks to your web browser, 4) Generate citations & bibliography.  Related information: and

The Siemens Elmiskop 1A Electron Microscope : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 30, January/February 2015

Front view of the Siemens IA Elmiskop in its original location at UC Environmental Health and Safety.

Front view of the Siemens IA Elmiskop in its
original location at UC Environmental Health and Safety.

Issue 30 of Museum Notes highlights the recently acquired, circa 1964, Siemens Elmiskop 1A Microscope now on display on the upper mezzanine of the Chemistry-Biology Library in 503 Rieveschl.

Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.

Recordings of High Performance Computing Workshops (OSC)

Ohio Supercomputer Center



On October 19, UC Libraries and UCIT co-sponsored two High Performance Computing workshops, taught by staff of the Ohio Supercomputing Center (OSC).  Workshop titles: Intro to High Performance Computing at OSC (basic session) and Conquering the OSC Batch Environment (advanced, hands-on session).  Streaming recordings, slides, and workshop details are now available at

Questions?  Contact Jane Combs, UCIT / Research and Development, or Ted Baldwin, UC Libraries / Science and Engineering Libraries,

Oesper News: Museum Booklets on the History of Chemical Apparatus

Dr. William B. Jensen introduces his new series:

Like most museums, only about 25% of the holdings of the Oesper Collections
in the History of Chemistry are on public display at a given time. In order to make the remaining 75% available in some form, it was decided to initiate a series of short museum booklets, each dedicated to a particular instrument or laboratory technique of historical importance to the science of chemistry.

Each booklet would include not only photographs of both displayed and stored museum artifacts related to the subject at hand, but also a short discussion of the history of the instrument or technique and of its impact on the development of chemistry as a whole. Several of these booklets are expansions of short articles which have previously appeared in either the bimonthly series Museum Notes, which is posted on the Oesper website, or the series Ask the Historian, which appeared in the Journal of Chemical Education between 2003 and 2012.

You can access the booklets by clicking here.