All Flags Shall Here Be Seen: Discover the World through UC Libraries Resources

flags3“…All flags shall here be seen…” – this line from Pushkin’s “The Bronze Horseman” describing the thoughts of Peter the Great as he was envisioning St. Petersburg, comes to mind as one enters Langsam Library this summer. Flags of dozens of countries adorn the Circulation and InfoCommons desks greeting the UC Community, including nearly 3,200 international students from 110 countries. “I feel as if I were at the United Nations [Headquarters],” a colleague remarked today passing by the InfoCommons desk.

The diverse international community of students, faculty, and staff is described in the UC Academic Master Plan as “one of our richest resources.” UC Libraries’ faculty and staff are proud to be part of this community and to contribute to UC’s global engagement initiatives.
The flags proudly displayed in the library represent the richness of our collection. To help you learn about the countries where the members of the UC family come from, we’ll be featuring library resources in a semi-weekly tweet. Please feel free to share your favorite resources in your responses!

Afghanistan_flag_sm Today’s featured country: Afghanistan.
Source: Europa World Plus.
Learn more about countries of the world from the Country Information CampusGuide.

Welcome Newest Bearcats

signThis summer, Langsam Library was a busy place as over 4,000 incoming students participating in UC New Student Orientation visited and learned about all that UC Libraries has to offer. While here, they engaged in activities designed to be entertaining while at the same time informative about the various research resources, assistance, and library services they can take advantage of when they return in the fall.

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Student Project Shows Value of Libraries

Librarians are used to getting any kind of questions and requests at the InfoCommons. However we were pleasantly surprised when one day student Ashley Kraus approached us with a question about UC Libraries. She wanted to get all kinds of facts and numbers about libraries. Ashley explained that she needed to do a visual project for a class assignment. We were delighted that with any topic in the world to choose from, Ashley chose to demonstrate the value of libraries. Following is more about her work. Continue reading

Coming Soon! Celebrate National Library Week: Test Your Research Skills and Win Prizes

During the week of April 14-20 the University of Cincinnati Libraries will join other libraries on campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week. The University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate National Library Week by offering our users an opportunity to demonstrate their research skills and win prizes by taking a research skills contest.

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Hungry?! Bite into an Edible Book with UC Libraries

unbirthdayOnce again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Monday, April 1 from 12:30-1:30pm on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, nearly 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form.

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Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates

ugdiscoveryIn partnership with UC Libraries, the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarly Endeavors & Creative Practice (URSC) presents a new undergraduate student lecture series on Tuesday, March 12, 4-6 p.m., Langsam Library 4th floor (near Triceracopter). Scheduled once per semester, Undergraduate Discovery: Cross-Disciplinary Discussion with UC Undergraduates will feature recipients of the URSC Student of the Month Awards for spring 2013 semester.

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