UC Libraries Celebrate Information Literacy Awareness Month

October is Information Literacy Awareness Month

On October 1, 2009, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation establishing October as National Information Literacy Awareness Month. Information literacy, or the ability to find, evaluate, and use information effectively, is key in preparing students for being actively involved in a democratic society and seeking highly skilled jobs. Information literacy skills lay a solid foundation for lifelong learning. Continue reading

Welcoming the Newest Bearcats with Fun and Games

UC Libraries play an active role in welcoming new students to the University. This summer (through August 2), over 4,000 incoming students participating in UC New Student Orientation are visiting Langsam Library. While here, they engage in activities designed to be entertaining while at the same time informative about the various research resources and services available in the Libraries.

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SERVICE NOTE: Emergency UC Internet Maintenance Occurring Overnight

The CERF optical ring, which provides Internet connectivity to the university, is experiencing a hardware-related issue affecting UC connectivity only. Therefore, emergency maintenance will occur overnight and is expected to last from midnight to 2 am. The university’s Internet access will be down while the maintenance is performed and the unit is rebooted. Continue reading