Snapshots in Time

A new exhibit, on display on the 5th floor of Langsam Library, features monthly calendars produced by the Strobridge Lithography Company.

Ranging from 1897 to 1917, the calendar cards are exquisite examples of Art Nouveau design in America, showing the artistry and printing skills of the company. The cards functioned as “home advertising” for the firm and were meant to be displayed on a kitchen or office wall. The color separations are remarkable, and the vivid beauty of the illustrations perfectly captures the collaboration between artist and craftsman.

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UC Libraries Pay Tribute to UC Authors, Editors & Composers

Authors, Editors & Composers DisplayIt is a celebration of the talent of UC faculty beyond the lecture halls and research labs. Publications of faculty spanning articles, books, edited journals, musical scores, artwork, poetry, DVDs, videos and the Web were on display at the annual Authors, Editors and Composers Reception and Program.

The event, open to invited members of the UC community, was held 3:30-5 p.m., Thursday, April 22, in the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center.

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Looking for Library News?

Looking for news on the services, collections, and people of the UC Libraries? Read Source, the University of Cincinnati Libraries newsletter for faculty, students, staff, and friends.

In this issue: one-millionth URL added to the Library Catalog, the History of the Albino Gorno Memorial Music (CCM) Library along with the celebration of their renovated, new location, and the Libraries Receipt of a Noteworthy Panama Collection.

Source is available in print throughout the libraries and online.

Freedom without Walls! Exhibits to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

bannerNovember 9, 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. In commemoration of this important world event, the University of Cincinnati Libraries have created two exhibits on display through fall quarter in the Walter C. Langsam Library.

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Portraits in Civil War Medicine

Brutal images of Civil War battle aftermath illustrate what soldiers on both sides of the conflict faced. However, the role of the healthcare professional on the battlefield is often overlooked. Those who tended to the wounded, sick, and dead made use of the tools and techniques available in a heroic effort to save as many men as possible and aid the Union or Confederate causes. A new exhibit on display in the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions hopes to give a voice to the overlooked healthcare professionals of the Civil War. Continue reading

Tribute to a Champion

hogue_04_thumb_000Paul Hogue, one of the greatest athletes in the University of Cincinnati’s history, and a member of the school’s NCAA championship teams in 1961 and 1962, passed away in Cincinnati on August 17, 2009 at the age of 69.

As a tribute to Paul, the Archives and Rare Books Library has created an online exhibit sharing images of him from his remarkable Bearcat career. 

From the exhibit: “Paul Hogue was UC’s first truly effective big man who was variously measured at 6’ 9” or 6’ 10 inches tall, a veritable oak on the court as he set picks and cleared the lane for his teammates.  Running into a Hogue pick was a memorable experience for opposing players.  His offense, coupled with a nice soft shooting touch, made him a collegiate star.”

See more online.

Discover Carl Blegen

blegenHave you ever wondered about the man who gave his name to the Blegen Library? Now, thanks to a new exhibit located on the fourth floor of Blegen Library, you can find out more about this icon of the world of archaeology.

Curated by Janice Schulz, University Records Manager and Archives Specialist in the Archives & Rare Books Library, Discovering Carl Blegen includes images from Blegen’s major campaigns in Troy and Pylos as well as his work and life at UC and abroad. Continue reading