Quiet Floor Quest at UC Clermont

In Fall 2023, the UC Clermont Learning Commons joined the Marcotte Library space on the 2nd floor. After a year and half of the collaboration, we’ve heard your feedback! The 2nd floor of the library will return to a quiet study space. Learning Commons activities and sessions will now be held on the 1st floor, which will make it easier to access and allow for the noise that accompanies group activities.

Open study space will still be available on the 1st floor. If space should be tight, the second floor will be available. Check in for Learning Commons activities will now occur at the front desk. To help increase visibility of the upstairs study space, UC Clermont will be hosting the Quiet Floor Quest through January 24.

 Locate 5 hidden bearcats in the library who each have secret word to share with you. Submit the hidden message in our online form to show you found each of the wily bearcats. Participants in the scavenger hunt will be in raffle for stuffed bearcat of their own with other UC swag.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 6

Thank you for the feedback you’ve given throughout this academic year regarding the Marcotte Library and Learning Commons space collaboration. Your responses are helping us to make our space into what you need it to be.

Starting today, we have one final survey question for you: What, if anything, should the library adjust in our partnership with the Learning Commons? Please submit your response by Friday, April 19th.

As always, you can answer the survey question through one of the drop boxes located in Jones across from the library’s entrance or in the McDonough lobby. You can also anonymously submit your response via this online form.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 5

Thank you for your valuable input in our most recent survey question regarding the shared space between the Frederick A. Marcotte Library and the Clermont College Learning Commons! Your answers and opinions are helping us turn the library’s second floor into a remarkable place for studying and learning.

Our newest survey question regarding our spatial collaboration is now live. Until March 25th, we’re asking: What would make you more inclined to use library and/or Learning Commons services?

Please respond to this question anonymously through this online form or one of the two response collection boxes located outside of the Library’s main entrance and in the McDonough lobby.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 4

We may be coming out of a wintry weekend, but it’s definitely spring semester! Thank you for your thoughtful responses to our Learning Commons at the Library survey questions throughout the fall. We’re back now with a few more questions for you. Your responses will help our collaboration with our new neighbors be the best it can be!

From now until February 25th, we’re asking: Is the library a welcoming space for you? How can we better meet your needs?

Please respond anonymously through this online form or the response collection boxes located outside of the Library’s main entrance and in the McDonough lobby.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 3

UC Clermont’s Frederick A. Marcotte Library appreciates your feedback on our survey questions related to our collaboration of our space with the Learning Commons!

Our third single-question survey is now live. We’re asking: In what ways does noise on the library’s second floor impact your work?

Please provide your response to this third survey by Monday, November 27th. Anonymous responses are collected through this online form or through our drop boxes in the McDonough lobby and across from the library’s main entrance.

Learning Commons at the Library: Survey question 2

Thank you for your feedback on our first Learning Commons at the Library survey question! We appreciate learning your thoughts on the physical library and Learning Commons spaces we spent the summer updating.

Our second survey question relating to our updated spaces and partnership with the Learning Commons is now live. We would like to know: What would you change about the second floor of the library?

We’ll collect responses to this second survey question until Monday, October 23rd. You can respond anonymously via drop boxes placed in the McDonough lobby and across from the library’s entrance in Jones or through our online survey form.

Learning Commons @ UC Clermont

The Learning Commons is coming to the UC Clermont Library! Our 2nd floor has been undergoing transformations to create space to allow tutoring and academic support services to come to the library (pictures below). Beginning July 25, writing tutoring will be available on the library’s 2nd floor with more services available in Fall semester. Check-in for the Learning Commons will be located at the Library’s Information Desk.   

The quiet study zone of the 2nd floor should not be impacted by this exciting new addition. 

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Coming Soon: Updates to the UC Clermont 2nd Floor

Empty shelves with a pardon our dust signIf you’re visiting UC Clermont’s 2nd floor this summer, you may notice some strange things: empty shelves, full carts, or moving furniture. We’re hard at work in order to have a new floor layout and new services offered on our quiet study floor by fall semester. We’re confident that the updates will provide an improved student learning experience, so stay tuned!

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