Need More Time to Study for Midterms?

owlLangsam Library to Offer Extended Hours until 2am.

After the regular Langsam hours listed below, library space only will be open for students to study until 2am during midterms. To enter the library after the regular closing time, students must do so via the 5th floor UCit@Langsam card-swipe entrance (a valid UC ID is required). Continue reading

Come Play at the STRC and Adaptive Technologies Open House

BearcatinSTRC 011Stop by the 4th floor of Langsam Library on Wednesday, January 30, from 1pm – 3pm, and join UC Libraries and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost at an Open House for the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) and Adaptive Technologies Office. The event will highlight the recent renovation to the space and the services and technologies available in both areas.

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