CECH Library is home to the Kretschmer Collection, an amalgamation of over 275 books about indigenous cultures written and/or illustrated by Native Americans. Collected by Professors Emeriti Richard and Laura Kretschmer, these books were graciously donated so that many could benefit from their powerful messages and thought-provoking stories. Fiction and non-fiction titles offer a variety of reading levels that can appeal to nearly every age group.
The collection, with its range of subjects and levels, serves to encourage learning about native cultures among our community. As education is among the best ways to combat prejudice and inequality, the collection and its themes can contribute to broadening the perspectives of communities locally and across the United States. Themes present in these books include language, family, nature, religion, and resilience.
You can explore the many brilliant books of the Kretschmer Collection on the third floor of the CECH Library, located in the Teachers-Dyer Complex 300.
Sara Polk, CECH Library Student Assistant
A&S Anthropology & Archaeology, 2020