Students-Only Library Survey: Enter To Win a $25 Gift Card

Your opinions can build a better library — you just have to share them!

In order to serve you better, please fill out the brief library survey delivered to your UC student email this week. Depending on your answers and typing ability, the survey should take 5 minutes or less to complete.

As a gesture of our thanks, you may provide your contact info at the end of the survey to enter a drawing for one of two $25 gift cards. We’ll draw the winners on February 4.

Together we can make the Clermont College Library a better space for resources and research.

Pardon Our Dust… New Student Spaces, Coming Soon!

If you’ve been on the library’s first floor lately, you may notice power tools and construction crews — that’s because student-centered improvements are in the works!

Based on feedback from prior spring student surveys we’re proud to add two premium group study spaces on the library’s first floor this semester. Set to debut in early March 2019, the rooms will feature glass dry erase surfaces, wall-mounted flat screens, and modern finishes galore. We’ll also be adding additional soft seating all over the library’s first floor for meeting with groups or relaxing between classes.

This exciting project, made possible by a generous donor, is yet another example of the power of our supportive community. Thanks to everyone who worked tirelessly in support of this project.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Popular Reading Collection

Looking for a good read? Check out our Popular Reading Collection at your Clermont College Library!

Brought to you by community partner Clermont County Public Library, the popular reading collection includes:

  • Mysteries
  • Paranormal Romance
  • Graphic Novels
  • Humor, Science Fiction, and much more!

New titles added each semester so check back often for great reads.

To recommend a title for this collection, please contact Natalie Winland, Public Services Manger.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Popular Reading and Movie Collection: Perfect for Winter Season Days

Looking for a good book to read over the winter season days? How about a good movie to watch when it is cold outside? In addition to its many other collections, Clermont College Library is now an excellent source for popular materials, too.

The Popular Reading and Movie collection, on loan from the Clermont County Public Library, contains more than 500 items. They are changed out three times per year, so check back regularly for new titles. The items in the collection are available for UC students, faculty and staff using a valid UC I.D. upon checkout.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Stop by the library’s info desk for help with requesting items.

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

Take a Break in the Clermont College Library

Colorful puzzle pieces jumbled


Free time between classes? Need to relax for a bit? Stop by the Clermont College Library.

We’ve set up a puzzle table in the library. Don’t have time to do the whole thing? No problem! Come in and add a few pieces. We’ll all work together to finish. Once a puzzle is complete, we’ll switch it out for another.

Taking a short break to play a game or work on a puzzle helps decrease stress and can improve critical thinking. It might be just what you need before you dive back in to study for a final or finish that research project!

For the Love of the Library — Thank You!


The Clermont College Library hosted a special event, For the Love of the Library, on Thursday, February 9th.  The purpose of this event was to highlight the 1st floor renovations made possible by our donors and share plans for student-centered improvements to our library’s 2nd floor.


Thanks to all who celebrated with us from our community, UC’s Clifton campus, UC Libraries, and UC Clermont.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Local History at the Clermont College Library

Elizabeth Terry’s ENGL 1001 students completed writing projects examining local cities, villages, and places during the fall 2016 term. The projects examined questions relating to a place’s relative growth or isolation.

Students spent a great deal of time using the local history collections of the Clermont College Library, the Clermont County Public Library, and local historical societies. They also snapped photos of their research subjects — now on display in the Peters-Jones hallway outside of the library.  The photographs represent an additional investigative method, capturing indefinable beauty in landmarks we often pass without a second thought.

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director

Welcome Back, Clermont Students!

Dear Students,

I’m so happy to welcome you all back to campus!

With help from generous donors, we’ve worked hard during the winter break to make the library a better place for you to study, hang out, and get assistance with research. The big changes  include an upgraded service point and new front doors. We’ve also relocated some furniture and the printer-scanner combo in order to serve you better. Stay tuned for more improvements coming soon this term, including electric access for more first floor study tables and for the circular couches in the library atrium.

Let me know what you think of all of the changes!

Best wishes for a productive and happy spring semester,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Clermont College Library Director

Happy Holidays from Clermont College Library

Happy Holidays from UC Clermont and your Clermont College Library!

We  our students, staff, and faculty! We’re also so incredibly appreciative of our amazing donors — your generosity has paved the way for some impactful improvements to the library this year. You can check out our renewed first floor in January 2017.


Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director

Bearcat Card Enabled Photocopying Is Here!

You asked – and we listened!


In our 2014 and 2015 Clermont College Library student surveys, an overwhelming number of students asked for the ability to photocopy documents using their Bearcat card.  And now our new 3-in-1 machine will do just that, in addition to producing high-quality document scans and printing in both color and black and white.

Keep the feedback coming!  We want to be your best resource for student success.

Happy Summer,

Katie Foran-Mulcahy
Library Director