New Exhibit Celebrates Native American Heritage in Our Collections

native american heritage posterCelebrate Native American Heritage in Our Collections

Installed on the 4th floor of Langsam Library, the exhibit features Native American history and culture resources from the collections of UC Libraries. Included are books, movies, e-journals and online digital collections and databases.

The exhibit was curated by Mikaila Corday and Susan Banoun, both of Content Services in UC Libraries, and was designed by Sami Scheidler, third year design student in the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning.

Give me knowledge so I may have kindness for all. – Blackfeet

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Kay Nielsen: Life Undrawn

By: Sydney Vollmer, ARB Intern


A colorful drawing of two people dancing.As mentioned in a previous blog post on the fairy tales in the Archives & Rare Books Library, this blog is about the illustrator of In Powder and Crinoline and many other tales, Kay (pronounced “Kigh”) Nielsen.

Born on March 12, 1886 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Kay was the son of two actors.  His father, Martinus Nielsen, directed the Dagmarteater and his mother, Oda, was highly praised for her work both in the Dagmarteater and the Royal Danish Theater.  Despite his parents’ high standing in the theatre community, Nielsen found his passion in a different art form.  He studied in Paris from 1904-1911 at Académie Julian and Académie Colarossi and after he received his education, he moved to England for five years.  It was during that time he received his first commissioned work as an illustrator. Continue reading

Just in Time for Exams. Stress Less Events @ Langsam Library

stress less eventsCrafternoons

Take a time out from studying with Triceracopter for some fun and creative activities on:

  • Wed, November 30: 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  • Thurs, December 1, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Sponsored by Student Wellness Center, Campus Ministry at St. Monica-St. George and the Women’s Center.

Recharge, Refresh and Breathe

Need a BREAK!  Reboot with a 10-minute session of deep breathing and gentle stretching.  Studies show that mediation and yoga breaks are most effective at boosting productivity so join the circle, relax and get back to work with a fresh perspective.

Sessions will be offered by Kimber Andrews, Assistant Director of CET&L on:

  • Tues, November 29 at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. 5 p.m. & 8 p.m.
  • Tuesday December 6 at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. 5 p.m. & 8 p.m.

Victorian Gingerbread Village Coloring Banner

Bring some color to the gingerbread village banner.

  • Begins Thurs, December 1, next to Starbucks.

Who Let the Dog In?

Take a break from your studies and come meet Dozer, Labrador in the K-9 Unit of UC’s Public Safety Department.

Mon, December 5: 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Librarians from Northeast Normal University, China Visited UC

Welcome dinner with two Chinese librarians

From left: Xuemao, Don, Bo, Bella, Becky and Hong

From left: Dan, Debbie, Lorna, Bo, and Bella

From left: Dan, Debbie, Lorna, Bo and Bella

Chinese librarians met the Digital Collections department

From left: James, Sean, Linda, Thomas, Nathan, Bo and Bella

Changhong (Bella) Wu and Bo Sun, librarians from Northeast Normal University (NENU) in Changchun, China, visited the UC Libraries November 15th-17th through a librarian exchange program between Ohio University and NENU. As the first cohort, Bella and Bo will stay in the United States for three months visiting libraries across the country and conducting research. Topics they are interested at UC Libraries are Ohiolink, collection development strategies, digital collections and digital and information literacy education. We look forward to meeting more visitors from NENU in the future.

Enchanting Fairy Tales Dressed in Powder and Crinoline

By:  Sydney Vollmer

12 Princesses in the WoodsOver the next few months, the Archives & Rare Books Library will open another of our exhibit websites that introduces our extensive collection of fairy tales and folklore for research and teaching.  There are many volumes to sift through, but one I recently pulled caught my eye.  In Powder and Crinoline doesn’t contain any stories with which I was familiar, but when I paged through it, I was more than a little pleasantly surprised.

This collection of stories retold by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944) was first published in 1912 by Hodder and Stoughton.  “Q” was a Cornish writer who was well known for his fiction and anthologies, particularly for his Oxford collection of English poetry in 1900.  In the preface to Powder and Crinoline, he speaks of his first impression of the work: Continue reading

UC Libraries Invites You to Come Together to Give Thanks Nov. 17

Join the University of Cincinnati Libraries for “Coming Together to Give Thanks: Expanding Horizons on Food and Culture” ~ Thursday, November 17, 3:30-5:30pm, Langsam Library 4th floor.

coming together image

Enjoy food, drink and fun as you play trivia and learn about U.S. Thanksgiving traditions, guess where foods eaten around the world began, write a thank-you note to family and friends, solve the international recipe puzzle and enjoy traditional U.S. Thanksgiving foods.

The event is free and open to all!

Georgian Researcher Dr. Tengiz Simashvili Visited the UC Libraries

Dr. Simashvili with Library Faculty

Left to right: Sally, Mark, Hong, Tengiz, Arlene, and Ted

Dr. Simashvili with library faculty

Left to right: Sally, Ted, Mark, Tengiz, Arlene, Tiffany

Sponsored by UC’s Office of Research, the UC Libraries welcomed the first IREX scholar, Tengiz Simashvili, with six library faculty members at Langsam on October 25, 2016. Dr. Simashvili is the head of Caucasus Scientific-Research Center at Telavi State University, Georgia. He came to UC with a mission of learning how American universities utilize new strategies and methods to support researchers. As a collection of research hubs on campus, the UC Libraries have a lot to share with him. Continue reading

James Lee Next Speaker in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series on Nov. 1

james lee
UC Libraries and the College of Arts and Sciences present James Lee, assistant professor in digital humanities with a specialization in early modern English literature, on Tuesday, Nov. 1 in Langsam Library 462 as the next expert in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series. Open to any and all interested in digital humanities and digital scholarship (DH/DS), Lee will present a research talk and lead a hands-on experimental session. Participants are encouraged to come to either or both sessions that are of interest to them and to their work.

11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.:
Research Talk – A Digital History of Race before Empire: Mapping a Global Renaissance with 53,829 Texts

12:30 to 1:30 p.m.:
Lunch – all are welcome

1:30 to 3:00 p.m.:
Hands-on Experimental Session – Data Visualization and Social Justice

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Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a Reading by Armando Romero

armando romeroCelebrate Hispanic Heritage Month—Mes de la Herencia Hispana—with a reading by Professor Armando Romero:

Friday, October 21 from 1:30pm-2:30pm

Langsam Library, Digital Learning Commons (back of 4th floor)

Professor Armando Romero will present his most recent book of poems, El color del Egeo and the bilingual edition of El árbol digital. Continue reading

Join Us October 11 for “Genre Genius in Cincinnati: From SciFi to Hybrid Forms”

books by the banksIn partnership with the Books by the Banks festival, the College of Arts and Sciences and UC Libraries are co-hosting a group of panel sessions on Tuesday, October 11 on the fourth floor of Langsam Library from 2-5 p.m. “Genre Genius in Cincinnati: From SciFi to Hybrid Forms” will focus on science fiction and fantasy, comics and graphic novels, and the mixed mastery of hybrid forms. Attendees are invited to come to listen, learn, and share, and to stay for a casual writers’ lounge celebrating Cincinnati creatives and their community. The panels are free and open to all. Continue reading