UCBA Fun Facts: Best Reading Related Memory

Question: What’s your best reading related memory?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: I read a book about Helen Keller’s life over and over when I was a kid — I was amazed by her grit and determination. I also loved learning the alphabet in sign language in the back of the book.


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: My high-school best friend had the entire Sweet Valley High book collection and would let me borrow each book until I read the entire series.


KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Oh, man. I loved the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows release night. I was in a wedding the night the book came out. We all went and got a copy in our bridesmaids dresses (including one for the bride). I stayed up all night reading and finished just in time to make the morning brunch.


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianVisiting the used bookstore in Raleigh, NC right on Hillsborough Street, close to NC State University.  I walked there every summer when I would visit my grandparents.  I usually made multiple trips during my visit and would stock up on the Nancy Drew mysteries.


RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: My Aunt use to read to me when I was little during the time she lived with my family.  My favorite book was the Bernstein Bears.

ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: Reading bedtime stories to my 3 kids when they were little.  I miss it so much!


​Electronics Lending at UCBA Library


Were you aware that you can borrow electronics from the UCBA Library? Here’s a list of items that are available for checkout:

  • ​​Laptops with Internet access and MS Office 2013 (2 hour check-out). Click here to learn more.
  • Flash Drives (2 hour check-out)
  • Calculators: Graphing, Scientific and Basic (4 hour check-out)
  • Headphones (2 hour check-out)
  • Headphone Splitter Cable allows 2 students to simultaneously listen to media (2 hour check-out)
  • Media Bags includes equipment needed to connect laptops to study room televisions (4 hour check-out)

Stop by the Information Desk to learn more.

​​​Borrow media, popular fiction and more with SearchOhio


searchohio logoQuickly and easily borrow books, CDs, DVDs, and Audiobooks from SearchOhio, a consortium of over 20 Ohio public libraries. ​

S​tart your search in the UC catalog and move on to OhioLINK for additional borrowing options. If OhioLINK doesn’t have the title you’re looking for, click the SearchOhio button in the catalog search results to check availability​. If another library owns an available copy, select the “Request Item” button and follow the prompts. 

STEP 1: Search for an item in our catalog. If you can’t find it or all the copies of the item you’re interested in are unavailable, select the OhioLink button to expand your search. 


STEP 2: If you can’t find it or all the copies of the item you’re interested in are checked out, select the SearchOhio button to expand your search to their catalog. 



STEP 3: When you find the item you’re looking for click the “Request Item” button and follow the prompts for your library affiliation (U of Cincinnati), your login information (UC ID and Central Service Password) and desired pick-up location. That’s it! You’ll be notified when your item is ready to be picked up.


Click here​ to learn more about borrowing and returning SearchOhio items.

Questions or problems? Contact the Library by phone at 513-745-5710 or email.



Troubleshooting Blackboard Issues when Doing Library Research

Are you having problems accessing online Library resources via Blackboard? Try these simple solutions:

SOLUTION #1 – Accepting Certificates

​​When you are logged into Blackboard and attempting to do research via the Library website (search for articles or use a research guide), you may come across a certificate warning message in the Internet Explorer (Example 1) or Firefox (Example 2) browser such as these:

ie warning

Internet Explorer Warning – Example 1

firefox warning

Firefox Warning – Example 2

Be sure to ACCEPT the certificate by choosing to Proceed (unsafe) [Example 1] or Continue [Example 2] 

so that you can continue searching. If you do not accept the certificate, you may be blocked from accessing library resources (t​​his also applies to any non-https link posted within Blackboard).​

SOLUTION #2 – Do your library research outside of Blackboard by going directly to www.libraries.uc.edu. You should NOT see canopy.uc.edu​ in the website address/URL.

***Note for Faculty: You can help address this problem by creating Blackboard links that automatically open in a new window outside of Blackboard.

UC Libraries is currently working on addressing these issues to make your research process more seamless. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by the library or contact us at 513-745-5710.

UCBA Fun Facts: Audiobooks?

Question: Do you listen to audiobooks?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: Nope but keep meaning to get some. I’m usually listening to music, NPR, or my 4 year old in the car.


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Yes! I love audiobooks. I started listening to them when I had an one-way, hour-long commute years ago and have been hooked ever since. Jim Dale (Harry Potter) is one of my favorite readers.


KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Sometimes. I’m pretty bad about paying attention to them, so that can be problematic.


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianOnly on road trips.



RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: No.



ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: Yes, but have not in awhile.  Use to listen to them more when my kids were younger.  Helped travel time go faster.


UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite book turned movie?

Question: What is your favorite movie based on a book?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: For fun? Clueless — as if. Action? Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. On the more dramatic side, Empire of the Sun…I saw it when I was a teenager, and I’ve been a Christian Bale fan ever since.


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.



KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: I hate to be repetitive and all too recent, but Catching Fire keeps coming to mind. There quite a few more, though… 


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianTo name a few…Shutter Island and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo



RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: The Hobbit




ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: The Notebook, love that movie, and love that book!


UCBA Fun Facts: Reading Distractions?

Question: What easily distracts you when you’re reading?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: Sleepiness….yawn.




Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: People who interrupt me with questions or ignore the fact that I’m reading.



KellieKellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Cats. They don’t seem to like when the world does not revolve around them.



LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianIt doesn’t take much these days…tv, laundry, pie, etc.



RachelRachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: No favorite, but The Joy of Cooking is an essential and classic cookbook.  I normally give it as wedding gifts.


TammyTammy Manger, Public Services Manager: Anything can distract me…very frustrating!



ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: My kids, my hubby, my dog,  and a busy life!


UCBA Fun Facts: Favorite Fictional Character?

Question: Who is your favorite fictional character?

HeatherHeather Maloney, Library Director: I think Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. “There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”


Michelle Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: Doug Swieteck in Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt



Kellie Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian: Anne Shirley (when she’s not being annoying). More up-to-date? Hermione Granger.


LaurenLauren Wahman, Instruction LibrarianHard to narrow down to one, but a couple of faves are both Scout and Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, Bone in Bastard Out of Carolina, and Katniss in The Hunger Games


Rachel Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager: No favorite, but The Joy of Cooking is an essential and classic cookbook.  I normally give it as wedding gifts.


TammyTammy Manger, Public Services Manager: I don’t think I have a favorite.



ChrisChris Marshall, Public Services Assistant: Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffanys


Summer Orientation

by Lauren Wahman

It’s that time of year…incoming freshman are here!

The UC Blue Ash College Orientation is in full swing with hundreds of new students coming to campus this summer.  Advising, UC ID’s, registration, campus tours, and more are all part of Orientation and the UCBA Library is a proud participant at every program this summer.  Campus tours include a visit to the Library where students learn about the 5 Cool Things to Know.


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