Two Events in the Elliston Poetry Room This Week

Claudia Keelan

On Wednesday, September 16th at 4:00 poet, editor, and translator Claudia Keelan will read from and discuss Truth of My Songs: The Poems of the Trobairitz (Omnidawn, 2015), the new anthology of 12th century female troubadours (or “trobairitz”) that she translated and edited. Her most recent of her seven poetry collections are O, Heart (Barrow Street, 2014), Missing Her (New Issues Press, 2009), and Utopic (Alice James Books, 2001). As part of her visit to Cincinnati, Keelan will also give a reading at Xavier University’s Kennedy Auditorium at 7:30 on Tuesday night.

James McMichael, Photo Credit: Cindy Love

Photo Credit: Cindy Love

Then, on Friday, September 18th, James McMichael will visit the Elliston Room for two events — a Q&A with Don Bogen at 3:00 and a poetry reading at 4:00.  His most recent collections include Capacity (Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2006), a National Book Award finalist, and The World at Large: New and Selected Poems, 1971–1996 (University of Chicago, 1996), and his honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Shelley Memorial Award, and a Academy of American Poets Fellowship.

Look for recordings of this presentation soon in the digital collection, The Elliston Project: Poetry Readings and Lectures at the University of Cincinnati.

Learn more about Events sponsored by the Elliston Poetry Fund.

From Alcohol Proof to Galileo : Notes from the Oesper Collections, No. 34, September/October 2015

A surviving set of “spirit bubbles: for testing the proof of alcoholic beverages.

A surviving set of “spirit bubbles:” for testing the
proof of alcoholic beverages.

Issue 34 explores some of the curious uses of glass balls to approximate the density of liquids.


Click here for all other issues of Notes from The Oesper Collections and to explore the Jensen-Thomas Apparatus Collection.





Memories of Shakespeare and the Lyric Theatre

By: Sydney Vollmer, ARB Intern

Ad for Shakespeare seriesLook what we found! CCM students of days gone by customarily made a scrapbook of their experiences while they were in school. The scrapbook of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (one half of what has become UC’s College-Conservatory of Music) student Virginia Inez Day recently came into our hands just in time for us to start our Shakespeare celebration! For those of you who have been in the cheap seats, 2016 is the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and we are commemorating it with a year of promoting our Shakespeare holdings in the Archives & Rare Books Library and documenting the history of Shakespeare productions in Cincinnati. Continue reading

Introduction to Cytoscape: Network Visualization Software

Cytoscape is an open source molecular interactions visualization tool that allows the exploration of molecular interactions and biological pathways and integrates these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles, and other data. The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library is facilitating a webinar on Cytoscape that will provide an introduction to some of the core functionality of Cytoscape, including the loading and manipulation of experimental data.

The webinar will be held on Monday, September 21st at 9am.

Registration: UC Cytoscape Webinar

Advancing Genomic Research at the University of Cincinnati

The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library is facilitating a webinar on Golden Helix’s suite of genomics analysis tools. The webinar will provide an overview of: SNP and Variation Suite which offers users the ability to manage and analyze genomic and phenotypic data, VarSeq which allows users to annotate and filter variants obtained from NextGen sequencing and GenomeBrowse, a powerful genomic data visualization tool.

Continue reading

Professor Joel Peckham Returns to Clermont College for Poetry Reading

God's Bicycle

Former Clermont Professor, Joel Peckham, opens the 2015-16 Clermont Poetry Series with a reading in the Clermont College Library on Friday, September 11, at 1:25 pm. Professor Peckham’s new book God’s Bicycle will be available for purchase. He’ll be signing books at the reception immediately following the reading.

Joel has published three books of poetry, two chapbooks, and a collection of narrative essays. His works have appeared in academic and literary journals. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of Regional Literature and Creative Writing at Marshall University.

-Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Enchantment with a Touch of Mystery


Madison Keith

Spotlight on student art work at the Clermont College Library.

Madison Keith’s portraits of women reflect the mood of the seasons. Her use of color and unexpected natural elements suffuse the paintings with enchantment and a touch of mystery. She talks about her medium of watercolor paints, pencils, and paper in her artist statement. “I also wanted to invoke a feeling of calm and harmony, and I feel like this is a bit of a reflection on the materials I used; watercolor is tricky, and you have to be calm and find harmony with your supplies when painting.”

Stop by the Clermont College Library and view Madison’s intriguing exhibit.

Penny McGinnis
Technical Services Manager

Knowledge is Our Super Power!

super textbooks

Did you know?

Current Clermont College textbooks that cost over $100 are on reserve for you in our library.

  • Students must have a valid UC ID to use the textbooks
  • Textbooks are checked out to students for two hours use in the library
  • The library does not purchase lab manuals, bundled sets, custom editions or loose-leaf format item

Connect here to see if the library has your textbook or stop by and ask us!

Natalie Winland
Public Services Manager

UC Blue Ash College Resource Fair

by Lauren Wahman

Beginning of fall semester, a lot of new students on campus…it’s time for the Resource Fair!  The UCBA Library is an annual participant in this college-wide event that showcases the variety of support services and resources available to students.  This year, library faculty members Heather Maloney, Michelle McKinney, and Lauren Wahman shared cool things about the Library in addition to giving away candy and info geek buttons.  And, we were lucky to have one of our student assistants, Stacey Marshall, join us at the table this year!

Library Director Heather Maloney and Student Assistant Stacey Marshall

Library Director Heather Maloney and Student Assistant Stacey Marshall



Just a few of the items on display