Check Out These Library Exhibits


Three new exhibits have been installed in Blegen and Langsam Libraries that feature UC Libraries’ collections.

Blegen 4th Floor Lobby: The exhibit “Clifton” showcases the magazine that, according to its editor Cliff Radel, was known for “Purposefully taking a sideways look at the University and the community [that] will undoubtedly be discomforting to a great number of people who operate with fixed principles. Good.” The exhibit was created by communications design student Alixandria Wolfe, a senior DAAP student, and Melissa Cox Norris, director of library communications Learn more about Clifton magazine online via an exhibit from the Archives and Rare Books Library.

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UC Libraries Receive Grant to Digitize Historic Cincinnati Subway and Street Project Photographs

The University of Cincinnati Libraries were awarded a $60,669 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the State Library of Ohio to digitize and make freely available on the Web the photographic collection of Cincinnati’s subway and street changes archive. Continue reading

Libraries Awarded a LSTA Minigrant to Digitize The Cincinnatian Yearbook, 1951-2006, to Join First Set of Yearbooks Already Digitized

1940 CincinnatianThe University of Cincinnati Libraries have been awarded a $15,900 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Minigrant from the State Library of Ohio to digitize copies of The Cincinnatian, UC’s yearbook, for the period of 1951-2006.

A previous LSTA grant provided for the digitization of The Cincinnatian from 1894-1950, viewable on the Web at  This second project will complete access to all issues of the yearbook via the Web.

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Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine Meets for First Time in 30 years

Medical College, University of Cincinnati

Before the May 26, 2010 meeting of the “new” Cecil Striker Society for the History of Medicine, the Society had last met in 1980, shortly after Dr. Striker’s death.  Recently, as the latest phase of the Winkler Center’s own history began to blossom, the idea of resurrecting the Society made eminent sense.  Cincinnati’s medical history is the envy of most cities, large and small, but with the passing of a generation of physicians and historians who knew and understood their community’s prominent role in medical history, appreciation of this illustrious history began to pass with them.

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Camp Washington Chili in the Urban Studies Collection

camp_washington_chiliThis past summer, Lilia Walsh, who is the 2009-2010 intern in the Archives & Rare Books Library, took an Honors Seminar at the University of Cincinnati entitled Envisioning the City. The focus of the course was how artists, writers, cartographers, photographers and others have visually portrayed cities from the 15th century to the present, using the holdings of ARB’s rare books collection and its Urban Studies Collection.  One of the experiential assignments given to the students in the seminar involved the practice of “lurking.”

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