PubMed: New Filters Sidebar

Use the new Filters sidebar to narrow or focus your PubMed search results!  Filters are now visible next to your search results.  PubMed replaced the Limits page with a Filters sidebar on May 10, 2012.  Applying filters still work the way limits worked; once they’ve been selected, all subsequent searches will be filtered until you remove or change the filters.

To see examples of how the filters sidebar can be used, view the National Library of Medicine tutorial on YouTube or take a look at the NLM Technical Bulletin news article.

Want to learn more about how the filters sidebar works in person?  Register for a PubMed class taught at the Health Sciences Library.  Each month an introductory or a more advanced PubMed class is offered.  Both classes include using filters to narrow or focus search results.  To register, browse the HSL class schedule at


Dreaming of Books in the Archives and Rare Books Library

By Lauren Fink, ARB Intern, 2011-2012

Stack of Dream BooksThough sayings like, “you can sleep when you’re dead,” abound in American, and especially college, culture, sleep is a crucial activity for maintaining health, conserving energy, and learning.  During sleep, the body decreases its temperature by about 1-2 degrees Celsius, rests its muscles, rebuilds proteins, and reorganizing synapses.  Increased brain activity occurs in the same areas of the brain that were activated by the learning of a new task during the day and correlates with improved performance on the same task the following day.

Humans spend 1/3 of their lives asleep, with about 1/5 of that time in Rapid-Eye-Movement (REM) sleep.  A typical nightly sleep cycle occurs in about 90 minutes with a pattern of stages 1-2-3-4-3-2-REM. Though the exact function of REM sleep remains a mystery, it is known that REM deprivation results in increased time spent in REM when no longer REM-deprived.  Dreams, which also remain elusive in terms of function, if not meaning, occur mainly during REM sleep but can also occur during other stages. Continue reading

Ireland Trip Launches an International Research Network With Key Ties to UC

Photos By: Provided by the Archives & Rare Books Library


A UC Libraries collection – and efforts to make it available to scholars around the world – will be presented this month at an international conference.


Irish theatre critic William John Lawrence (1862-1940) was considered a major figure in documenting the history of Irish theatre.

William J. Lawrence
William J. Lawrence

Yet, dozens of his notebooks on Irish theatre history from the 17th-to-20th centuries were never published. Efforts and outreach to make collections stored at the University of Cincinnati and at other institutions accessible worldwide will be presented at the 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. The conference takes place May 22-25 in Limerick, Ireland, and brings together librarians from around the world as they explore best practices on making their resources available for research.

Kevin Grace, head of the UC Archives and Rare Books Library, will present at the conference. Grace says 99 of Lawrence’s unpublished notebooks are stored in UC’s Archives & Rare Books Library. They were purchased from the estate of William Smith Clark II, a former UC English professor and theatre historian, who acquired the notebooks in the 1940s. The notebooks have been housed in the Archives & Rare Books Library since the late 1960s. Continue reading

UC Commencement - A Time-Honored Tradition

By: Dawn Fuller 

(Re-posted from UC News:

Look through historic photos of UC Commencement Ceremonies and discover some of the university’s traditions that continue to thread through Commencement today.

Who remembers Commencement at Nippert Stadium?

As depicted in the video that features Commencement photos stored in UC Archives, Nippert Stadium – for decades – was the venue for June Commencement.

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UC last held Commencement in Nippert Stadium in 1984. UC President Henry Winkler delivered the Commencement address at the 1984 cerermony in Nippert Stadium. In 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988, June Commencement was held downtown, when the spring ceremony took place in Riverfront Coliseum, now called U.S. Bank Arena. Continue reading

Taking Part in Something New: Participatory Archives and the Midwest Archives Conference

Cincinnatian 1958

It looks like these students are moving into new territory. From the 1958 Cincinnatian Yearbook

Often when I tell family or friends that I’m going to be going to an archives conference, they say “How Boring!”  I find it exciting though.  It is my chance to see what other archivists are doing, if there is anything new we can try here at UC, and it allows me to meet other archivists who might be able to answer one of my questions or one of your future questions.  I recently attended the Midwest Archives Conference Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and learned about some new projects using “participatory archives,” and how these collections can be used in research, teaching, learning, and just for fun.  (To learn a little more about the conference, read Stephanie Bricking’s blog post about her poster presentation on the Sabin papers.) Continue reading

Springer Protocols Handbooks Available

Springer Protocols Handbooks is an online series of protocols available to UC users through OhioLINK, the statewide consortium.   The handbooks included in the series are:

Search within the series or when you click on one of the titles, search or browse that title.

Access the protocols via the Health Sciences Library eBooks page where there are links to each protocol as well as the series.


HSL Spring Lunch & Learn Instruction Series continues through May

The Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL) invites you to join us for the second half of our Spring ‘Lunch & Learn’ instruction series, Tuesdays, May 1-May 29, 12:10-12:50pm in the HSL Classroom (MSB G005G).

Bring your lunch and learn during these quick information sessions. Open to all, the ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions focus on instruction along three tracks: Efficient Searching, Tablets and Multimedia, and Getting Noticed. Come to one session, a few, or all!

Continue reading

New HSL CampusGuides: Tutorials, Mobile Health, Anesthesiology, Clinical Laboratory Science, and Communication Sciences and Disorders

The HSL recently published five new CampusGuides:

  • The Tutorials guide provides database, software, and citation management tutorials from the HSL in addition to HSL YouTube videos and a separate page for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice tutorials.
  • Mobile Health Resources highlights HSL subscription apps, free mobile health resources, and app news and reviews.
  • The Anesthesiology guide provides links to journals, eBooks, and other resources relevant to anesthesiology practice and research.

See all current Health Sciences Library CampusGuides here.  As more topic guides are published, the links on the Electronic Resources page will be changed to lead directly to the new topic guide.

Please contact us if you have any feedback and suggestions for us as we work to make these guides as useful as possible!

Now Available: JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

The Neuroscience, Bioengineering, and General sections of the Journal of Visualized Experiments are now available!

As its name implies, the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a combination of text and video.  This peer-reviewed, PubMed indexed journal captures and transmits experimental techniques for life science research, providing advanced state-of-the-art techniques more quickly to the research community.   Learn more about JoVE.

View one of the video-articles entitled: Inducing Dendritic Growth in Cultured Sympathetic Neurons

JoVE welcomes participation and contributions; find out how you can submit video-articles to this dynamic journal.

Find the  Neuroscience, Bioengineering, and General sections of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) on the library’s journal list at

HSL Spring Lunch & Learn Instruction Series begins Tuesday, April 3rd

HSL Lunch & LearnThe Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library (HSL) invites you to join us for our Spring ‘Lunch & Learn’ instruction series, Tuesdays, April 3-May 29, 12:10-12:50pm in the HSL Classroom (MSB G005G).

Bring your lunch and learn during these quick information sessions. Open to all, the ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions focus on instruction along three tracks: Efficient Searching, Tablets and Multimedia, and Getting Noticed. Come to one session, a few, or all! Continue reading