Register Now for the Second Annual UC DATA Day

data dayThe University of Cincinnati Libraries and IT@UC announce the 2nd annual UC DATA Day. Scheduled for Thursday, March 23 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in TUC 400 ABC (see directions), UC DATA Day 2017 will feature a full schedule of engaging events. All events are free and include lunch and an afternoon reception. The public is welcome.

Registration is now open at Seats are limited, so register early.  Continue reading

The World’s Finest Cinema Brought to You by Your Library & Kanopy


We are pleased to announce that the University of Cincinnati Libraries has recently introduced a new online video streaming service, Kanopy

With over 26,000 films and more added monthly, Kanopy includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films, and indie films. The database includes films from many of the leading producers, including the Criterion Collection, PBS, HBO California Newsreel, BBC, Kino Lorber, New Day Films, The Great Courses, First Run Features, The Video Project, and hundreds more.

Kanopy has an incredible range of films available: from PBS Shakespeare Uncovered Collection, through Food Choices to Art & Copy – viewers can filter subject searches by most popular,  subject, supplier, filmmaker and more.

Kanopy’s streaming interface makes it easy to watch, share, discuss and engage with films across campus. Instructors: it’s easy to use Kanopy in your coursework. You can share films, create clips or teaching playlists, and embed them into Blackboard. See the Kanopy homepage for more information or contact library staff for help.


Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

source header
Read Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes interviews with Dean Xuemao Wang about creating a Master Plan for library spaces as well as with May Chang about her role in the newly created position of library chief technology officer. Other articles include the announcement of a gift from the John Hauck Foundation for the digitization of Dr. Albert B. Sabin’s lab notebooks, the installation of two new exhibits of World War I illustrated sheet music, a listing of Spring events in UC Libraries, an update on recent staff accomplishments and a donor spotlight of Marjorie Motch. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

New Exhibit Uncovers Black History through Arts & Education

On display on the 5th floor of Langsam Library, the exhibit “Uncovering Black History through Arts & Education” features prominent black writers, poets, educators and musicians. Featured in the exhibit are such notables as Rita Dove, Phillis Wheatley, Derrick Bell, Katherine Johnson, Muddy Waters and Tammi Terrell among others. A bibliography of related resources found in UC Libraries is located at the exhibit and online.

The “Uncovering Black History through Arts and Education” exhibit was curated by Meshia Anderson, acquisitions specialist in UC Libraries, and designed by Jessica Burhans, spring semester communications co-op design student from the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning.

The exhibit was produced in coordination with an event scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., fourth floor Langsam Library in the Digital Commons Space. At the event, free and open to all, Littisha Bates, associate professor of sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences, will speak about sociology of black families. Other activities will include poetry, soulful food bites and interactive trivia based on the exhibit. Brandon Hawkins of Soul Palette, a company that creates paint party experiences, will help everyone tap into their inner artistry.

Welcome, Craig Person, New Operations Manager & Student Supervisor for the Science & Engineering Libraries

UC Libraries is pleased to welcome Craig Person as the operations manager and student supervisor for the Science and Engineering Libraries.

craig person

Craig comes to the university from Northern Kentucky University (NKU) Libraries where he was the head of access services since 2008, and was previously the circulation and reserves supervisor and the evening circulation supervisor.  Craig may be a familiar face to some as he was a temporary staff member at Langsam Library from September 1996 – June 1997.  He is also active as a continuing education instructor for programs at NKU and with the American Library Association (ALA).

As operations manager and student supervisor, Craig will manage daily operations and service points at both the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) Library and the Chemistry-Biology Library.  His major duties include supervising the student workforce, overseeing interlibrary services and collections maintenance, assisting with facilities and technology initiatives, providing reference and training support and assisting with unit-wide planning.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Craig!

The Passing of Henry Heimlich (1920-2016)


This gallery contains 7 photos.

The Winkler Center was saddened over the weekend to learn of the passing of Dr. Henry J. Heimlich. In lieu of writing another obituary or quick biography like the ones that can be read here at the Cincinnati Enquirer or … Continue reading

Read UC Libraries Progress Report: Transforming Our Spaces

progress report coverRead the 2015/16 Progress Report: Transforming Our Spaces. In addition to providing an update on the news, events and stats from the previous academic year, the report focuses on the transformation of library spaces – both current and future. Renovations and changes to library spaces that will enable us to be recognized as the intellectual hub for students, faculty, researchers and scholars by providing engaging digital and physical environments, as well as powerful new tools and services that spark inquiry, support analysis and ignite discovery and scholarship as well as prepare emerging generations for lives of ongoing discovery.

The Progress Report is available online at

Questions? Request a print copy? Email

Emily Kean New Research and Education Librarian in the Health Sciences Library

Emily KeanUC Libraries is pleased to welcome Emily Kean as the research and education librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. In this position, Emily will provide research, consultation, instruction, collection development and outreach services to the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center. She will serve as liaison to Academic Health Center colleges with a focus on Nursing and Allied Health.

Emily has over 10 years of experience working in libraries, most recently serving as the digital services librarian at the Boone County Public Library.  Prior to that she was the electronic resources librarian at the Christ Hospital.  Emily brings with her great technical skills and a passion for teaching and developing new and innovative ways to provide instruction and library services.

Welcome to UC Libraries, Emily!

Elizabeth Scarpelli Named Director of New University of Cincinnati Press

Elizabeth Scarpelli

Elizabeth Scarpelli

The University of Cincinnati Libraries is pleased to announce Elizabeth Scarpelli as director of the new University of Cincinnati Press. The director’s role is to lead and provide oversight of all Press functions including acquisitions, marketing, administration and business, as well as to build a regional, national and international reputation for the University of Cincinnati Press as an innovative 21st century academic press.

“We are very fortunate to have secured Liz to lead the University of Cincinnati Press,” said Xuemao Wang, dean and university librarian. “Her enthusiasm for this exciting, new endeavor coupled with her rich experience in academic publishing make her the ideal choice to create, share and implement a successful vision for the Press.”

Continue reading

Welcome Jenny Doctor as the New Head of the CCM Library

Jenny Doctor

Jenny Doctor

UC Libraries is pleased to welcome Jenny Doctor as the new Head of the Albino Gorno Memorial Music (CCM) Library. With the agreement of the College-Conservatory of Music, she is also appointed with the academic title of associate professor of musicology.

Doctor comes to UC Libraries from Syracuse University where she had a joint appointment as the director of the Belfer Audio Archive with Syracuse University Libraries and associate professor in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications since 2012. Prior to that she was a reader in music at the University of York in the UK, and has also served as director of the Britten-Pears Library, a specialist music research library with close links to the British Library. Continue reading