Georgian Researcher Dr. Tengiz Simashvili Visited the UC Libraries

Dr. Simashvili with Library Faculty

Left to right: Sally, Mark, Hong, Tengiz, Arlene, and Ted

Dr. Simashvili with library faculty

Left to right: Sally, Ted, Mark, Tengiz, Arlene, Tiffany

Sponsored by UC’s Office of Research, the UC Libraries welcomed the first IREX scholar, Tengiz Simashvili, with six library faculty members at Langsam on October 25, 2016. Dr. Simashvili is the head of Caucasus Scientific-Research Center at Telavi State University, Georgia. He came to UC with a mission of learning how American universities utilize new strategies and methods to support researchers. As a collection of research hubs on campus, the UC Libraries have a lot to share with him. Continue reading

Winkler Center Marks Halloween with Creepy Exhibit of Medical Artifacts

winkler halloween

Do you want to attend a Halloween event that promises to give you hauntingly horrific, history nightmares…nightmares that include visions of amputee kits, maggot and leach therapies, pharmaceutical potions from the 1800s and much much more?

Then come visit the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions on Monday, October 31, 2016 on the R- Level of the Health Sciences Library from 10am to 2pm.  On display will be historic documents, photos and artifacts from a variety of the health professions.

We guarantee you will leave the exhibit appreciating the advances made in modern medical treatments, therapies and technology available today.  All are welcome. Come if you dare!!!!!!!  Bwwaahhhahhhaaaaaa!!!

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a Reading by Armando Romero

armando romeroCelebrate Hispanic Heritage Month—Mes de la Herencia Hispana—with a reading by Professor Armando Romero:

Friday, October 21 from 1:30pm-2:30pm

Langsam Library, Digital Learning Commons (back of 4th floor)

Professor Armando Romero will present his most recent book of poems, El color del Egeo and the bilingual edition of El árbol digital. Continue reading

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Exhibit

Frida in Focus is an exhibition and series of related events at the Niehoff Urban Studio recognizing and celebrating Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Frida is one of the most photographed women of her time, a Latin American iconic figure, an internationally known feminist, and an LGBTQ icon. This year’s theme for UC’s Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM), “Do UC me? My voice matters,” is inspired by Frida Kahlo, who determined the world would come to know her through images that were carefully constructed and curated by her. Our hope is that this exhibition and related events shine light on intersectionality, inspire people to imagine how they want the world to view them…and encourage them to make it happen.

Frida in Focus has been made possible through the generous support of the UC Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice President of Research, the Taft Research Center, the UC Office of Diversity & Inclusion, and the McMicken College of Arts & Sciences (A&S). It is a cross-college collaboration between A&S, the College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning (DAAP) and UC Libraries. A special thank you to UC professor emeritus Edward B. Silberstein for loaning the extraordinary photographs of Frida and Diego, taken by his father Bernard Silberstein, that have made this exhibition possible.

Langsam Library’s 4th Floor Now Open 24/7

As the university’s main library, the Walter C. Langsam Library — and especially the busy fourth floor — is a destination of choice for University of Cincinnati students. Beginning Aug. 21, UC students, faculty and staff looking for a place to study for an exam, access a public computer or meet with a project team to finish an assignment now have access to the fourth floor of Langsam Library 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Langsam Library

No library staff or services requiring assistance will be available after The Desk@Langsam closes; however, security will be present thanks to UC’s Public Safety. A valid UC ID is required to enter the library after The Desk@Langsam closes. The hours for The Desk@Langsam and the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) are listed online at Continue reading

UC’s First Thesis Comes Home to UC Libraries


Dean Wang and Eaton Family

Dean Xuemao Wang accepts gift from the Eaton Family.

Eaton family gives historic documents, including letter from Thomas Jefferson, to UC Libraries

CINCINNATI – Thursday, July 21, 2016 – The University of Cincinnati Libraries today received the thesis of John Hough James, the first graduate of Cincinnati College, now the University of Cincinnati. In addition to the thesis, UC Libraries also received associated research materials, including an 1820 letter from Thomas Jefferson. The rare gift comes from siblings Russell Eaton III, James M. Eaton and Frances Eaton Millhouser, the great-great-grandchildren of John Hough James.

“My siblings and I are pleased to present to the University of Cincinnati our cherished family possessions of John Hough James (JHJ), our great, great, grandfather, the valedictorian of the university’s first class. These possessions include an 1820 letter from Thomas Jefferson to JHJ containing requested source material for his senior thesis, his hand written thesis booklet and his membership in a local volunteer fire company,” Russell said. Continue reading

Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an article announcing the new UC academic press, a Q&A about a new position in the Office of Research, and A Note from the Dean: IFLA Coming to Cincinnati. Updates to library websites are showcased in A New Look at Digital Collections and in an article about the Neil A. Armstrong display and website. There are two articles about recent awards –  the Provost Technology Innovation Awards and Recognizing Library Student Workers. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

“Bridging Pride to Knowledge” New Exhibit on Langsam’s 5th Floor

ExhibitA new exhibit has been installed on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library in honor of June being LGBT Pride Month. “Bridging Pride to Knowledge” highlights UC Libraries’ resources (books, journals, DVD’s databases, etc.) in LGBTQ subject areas.  It includes information on the Stonewall Riots of June 1969 and features notable authors such as Edna St. Vincent Millay, Radclyffe Hall, Oscar Wilde and more. A bibliography is available in print at the exhibit and online.

The “Bridging Pride to Knowledge” exhibit was curated by Mikaila Corday and Susan Banoun of UC Libraries. Samantha Scheidler, spring semester communications co-op design student, designed the exhibit. Continue reading

The University of Cincinnati to Launch a New Academic Press

The University of Cincinnati announced today the formation of a new academic press. With a dual publishing focus on social justice and community engagement, the mission of the University of Cincinnati Press is to cultivate and disseminate scholarly works of the highest quality for the enhancement of the global community.

“It is a historic and exciting moment for a great research university like the University of Cincinnati to join the elite group of institutions that operate an academic press,” said President Santa J. Ono. “Becoming an active participant in scholarly publishing will further the university’s Third Century goals, notably in the areas of leveraging research and scholarship, strategic recruiting and community engagement.” Continue reading