Renovations Underway on the Fourth Floor of Langsam Library.

service desk sketch

Sketch of new service desk.

Students starting classes Monday will be met with construction and an enhanced classroom in Langsam Library.

Once completed, the renovations will provide more collaborative, flexible and comfortable work spaces to do research and to study in Langsam, as well as offer improved access to enhanced technology. Work began this summer with the renovation of the Langsam classroom 462 and will continue throughout the fall semester on the fourth floor of the library.

As a result of the construction, The Desk@Langsam (the main service desk) has been moved to just beyond the main staircase. Signs and way finding lead users to the temporary desk location. All other Langsam Library services and spaces remain open and available for use at this time.

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DynaMed Plus is Now Available!





The UC Health Sciences Library now has access to DynaMed Plus™.  Get answers to your clinical questions fast—try it here.

DynaMed Plus, the next-generation, evidence-based clinical information resource is written by a world-class team of physicians. A rigorous evidence-based editorial process provides synthesized information and objective analysis to answer your clinical questions quickly and easily.

DynaMed Plus features: Continue reading

Dean’s Corner: The Journey to Looking East

Hong Shen and Margo Taft Stever

“Looking East” authors Hong Shen and Margo Taft Stever

Late last month, UC Libraries celebrated the publication of the new English-language edition of Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Asia, The Photographs of Harry Fowler Woods.  This book, co-authored by Margo Taft Stever, James Taft Stever and Hong Shen, spotlights a little known but important historical event in U.S.-Asian relations.  The publication was commemorated with a book signing at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, as well as a donor event hosted by the library, which took place on the 400 level of Langsam Library.  These events provided UC Libraries with the opportunity to connect with the broader donor community, while celebrating an accomplishment three years in the making.

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Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an An Update from Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang on a Busy Year, as well as announcements of two events – the June 24th public book signing for the Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 Diplomatic Mission to Asia and an exhibit showcasing the fine work of The Preservation Lab. There is an article highlighting renovation plans for library spaces, as well as how the Libraries are welcoming the newest Bearcats to campus. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Call for Nominations for the Featured UC Faculty ‘Life of the Mind’ Presenter

life of the mindThe vision of Life of the Mind is to celebrate University of Cincinnati faculty research, scholarship and creative output and to foster the free and open exchange of ideas and discourse. Started in spring 2011, Life of the Mind is an annual lecture series featuring interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty around a one-word theme. Continue reading

Looking East Book Signing Scheduled for June 24

Looking EastJoin UC Libraries for a public book signing for Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Asia. The Photographs of Harry Fowler Woods.

The event, scheduled for June 24, 7pm, at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Rookwood Pavilion, will include readings by authors Margo Taft Stever and Hong Shen.

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‘Preserving the Past for the Future’ Exhibit Showcases work of Preservation Lab

In January of 2012, the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (PLCH) and the University of Cincinnati Libraries (UCL) began a long-term collaboration to provide conservation and preservation treatments in an equally-managed, staffed and equipped preservation lab located in UC’s Walter C. Langsam Library.

Employees from both PLCH and UCL work on the general circulating and rare/special collections of each institution. The division of labor for all work performed by the Preservation Lab is divided evenly between UCL and PLCH and is tracked using a weighted point system.

A new exhibit, “Preserving the Past for the Future,” showcases the work done by the Preservation Lab on some rare/special items from both PLCH and UCL. Items in the exhibit range from photo albums to bridge reports to scrapbooks. The exhibit demonstrates both before and after images of the treatment done to the objects and explains the process. The exhibit was curated by Jessica Ebert, conservation technician, and designed by Amanda Jackson, communications co-op design student. The online exhibit was created by Lisa Haitz, web developer.

Below is the exhibit in its entirety. The physical exhibit is currently on display on Langsam Library’s 5th floor lobby.

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UC Librarian Suzanne Reller Receives Digital Archives Specialist Certificate

Suzanne Reller, reference/collections librarian in the Archives and Rare Books Library, was among 32 archivists who earned the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) certificate from the Society of American Archivists (SAA) after completing required coursework and passing a comprehensive examination in February.

SAA’s DAS certificate program was developed by experts in the field of digital archives and provides archivists with the information and tools needed to manage the demands of born-digital records. Continue reading

UC Libraries Hosting First THATCamp University of Cincinnati May 4-6

that camp

Join UC Libraries for THATCamp University of Cincinnati, an unconference, which is an open meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels and interests gather to learn and to build together in sessions proposed on the spot. By practice, THATCamps are open and online. Participants make sure to share their notes, documents, pictures and other materials from discussions before and after the event on the Web and via social media. Continue reading