Women’s History Month at the UCBA Library 

by Lauren Wahman

The UCBA Library is featuring a selection of books highlighting the 2025 theme for Women’s History Month – Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations. Visit the Women’s History Month virtual featured books or stop by the UCBA Library during open hours to browse the full selection and check out an item with your UC ID.  

Women’s History Month Books

Research Lightning Talks: Recording Available

by Lauren Wahman

Heather Maloney speaking in front of the Research Lighting Talks audience.
Heather Maloney, UCBA Library Director, introduces the event

The UCBA Library’s Research Lightning Talks is an annual event that showcases research efforts of UCBA faculty and staff, sparks conversation, encourages collaboration, and inspires action within the UCBA community. This year’s event (view recording) took place on March 5, 2024 and featured five faculty presentations:  

Libby Anthony 
Associate Professor of English 
Pedagogies of Online Knitting Teachers 

David Freeman  
Professor of Mathematics 
What Is a Number? And Why Does it Matter? 

Smita Jadhav  
Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
Integrating ChatGPT in General Chemistry Education 

Rhonda Pettit  
Professor of English 
Immersion Research for Poetry 

Heather Vilvens  
Associate Professor of Health Promotion & Education 
Stakeholder-Driven Strategies for Improving the Discharge Process in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Concept Mapping Study 

Spring Book Blooms Display at the UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

Looking for some good reads for the upcoming summer break? Find novels, short stories, and poetry at the UCBA Library’s Spring Book Blooms Display. Visit the UCBA Library during open hours to browse these featured books and check out an item with your UC ID. The display will be available until Thursday April 25.   

UCBA Library’s June Spotlight: Art

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk. 

Book covers of the June titles.

June’s Spotlight is Art!  

Interested in more titles about Art? Ask Us! 

UCBA Library’s May Spotlight: Space

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk.

May’s Spotlight is Space!

Book covers of suggested May titles

Interested in more titles about Space? Ask Us!

UCBA Library’s April Spotlight: Poetry

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk. 

In honor of National Poetry Month, April’s Spotlight is Poetry. 

Book covers

Interested in more poetry titles? Ask Us! 


UCBA Library’s March Spotlight: Memoirs

by Christian Boyles

The UCBA Library is excited to showcase titles in our collection which we hope will be of interest.  We will feature different genres, authors, or themes, so watch for new titles at the start of each month. Spotlight titles can be found at the Library’s Information Desk.

book covers

March’s Spotlight is Memoirs.

  • Poet Warrior by Joy Harlo
  • Daring to Drive by Manal Al-Sharif
  • Ordinary Girls by Jaquira Diaz
  • Where the Past Begins by Amy Tan

Interested in more titles? Ask Us!

Research Lightning Talks at UCBA Library

by Lauren Wahman

title banner reads Research Lightning Talks. Conversation. Collaboration.Action. Sponsored by the UC Blue Ash Library

Tuesday March 28, 2023 from 12:30-1:30 pm
Learning & Teaching Center Room (Muntz Hall 117)
Registration: via Faculty Development OneStop

These 5-minute presentations showcase current research efforts of UCBA faculty, spark conversation, encourage collaboration, and inspire action within the UCBA community.


  • Matt Bennett, Media Communications & Technology
    Social Media as Culture Industry
  • Jen Carter, Behavioral Science & Lori Wortylko, Business & Economics
    UCBA Student Experiences with Canvas
  • Matt Norman, History, Philosophy & Political Science
    Knowing Him by Heart: African Americans on Abraham Lincoln
  • Yoshi Odaka, Biology
    Molecular Dissection of Brain-Eating Amoeba Cousin

Connecting with UCBA Library Over the Years: Slideshow

National Library Week Theme graphic

The American Library Association theme for National Library Week 2022, “Connect with Your Library,” promotes the idea that libraries are places to get connected to technology, books and other resources. Libraries also offer opportunities to connect with people and ideas. Most importantly libraries also connect communities to each other. Overall, the theme is an explicit call to action—an invitation for communities to visit, engage with or advocate for their libraries.

The UCBA Library is a vital part of the UC Blue Ash and greater UC community. We take pride in the services we offer in the areas of research and teaching support and access to resources. We also enjoy working together alongside our UCBA faculty, staff and students for both work and play. This slideshow highlights the various ways the UCBA Library connects with our community.

Connect with the UCBA Library as we celebrate this week! Here are a few activities you can engage in, at the UCBA Library and online:

Spring Book Blooms: A good book can help you escape to another world or connect to this one in new ways. Find recently published novels, short stories, biographies, and more at this UCBA Library pop-up event in the hallway across from our entrance. We’ll supply the books and a few delicious sweets to help you finish this semester strong!  Note: UC ID is required to borrow books.

#UniteAgainstBookBans: Participate in the campaign to support diverse materials in public, school and university libraries. The American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked an unprecedented number of book challenges in 2021 (the highest number since they began tracking over two decades ago), and many of these challenged books were by or about Black or LGBTQIA+ persons.

Show Your Library Love for a Chance to Win $100: Post to Instagram, Twitter, or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page. Use the hashtag #MyLibrary.  All the entries will be gathered and one randomly selected winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card.  The promotion ends on Saturday, April 9 at noon CT. Don’t forget to tag or name your local (academic, public or school) library!