Featured Resource: Embase

embasebBrought to you by UC Libraries, Embase is a key resource for biomedical evidence from published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conference abstracts.  Embase is known as an authoritative resource for generating systematic reviews and for drug, disease, and medical device data. Comprehensive indexing maximizes the searchability of this database. Continue reading

Maintenance Will Impact Libraries Web News, Hours and Directory

UC Libraries will be performing routine maintenance Sunday, June 29, from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm.

The following services will be offline during maintenance:

  • Off Campus Access (proxy services)
  • Ilib.libraries.uc.edu (intranet)
  • Libapps server:
    • Library Blogs
    • UC Libraries staff directory on website
    • A-Z Database List on website

In addition to these services being unavailable, users may see an error on the website in the News, Hours and Staff Directory areas while this maintenance is being performed. All other areas of the UC Libraries website and Library Catalog will be unaffected.

Join UC Libraries June 30 for a Presentation on Digital Humanities in China


Xiaoguang Wang

Digital Humanities is a new academic term for most Chinese scholars, though computer and information technologies have been used widely in many research projects by scientists and humanities in China for several decades, from computational linguistics to historical GIS and digital art. In this presentation, to be held Monday, June 30 from 2-3:30 p.m. in Langsam Library 480, Professor Xiaoguang Wang will provide a brief introduction to the emerging field of digital humanities in China. He will showcase some well-known digital humanities research projects in China and a survey of key academic grants for humanities and social sciences. The Digital Humanities Center in Wuhan University and some ongoing projects will be introduced and presented.

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UC Libraries Welcomes New Bearcats


Orientation participants learn about how to print while in the library

This summer, Langsam Library is a busy place as over 4,000 incoming students participating in UC’s New Student Orientation visit and learn about the Libraries. While here, they engage in activities designed to be both entertaining and informative about the various research resources, assistance and library services they can utilize when they begin classes in the fall.

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Data Management Planning Workshops – Starting June 30th

Join the University of Cincinnati Libraries for a series of workshops on data management planning! The workshops will address universal data management best practices for health science, science and engineering students and professionals. While much of the focus is on STEM fields, this course will be useful for anyone interested in learning more about data management practices and principles. Each workshop will include a teaching portion and hands on activities. We recommend that registrants attend all five workshops if possible. Workshops will be held in the Health Science Library (HSL) Electronic Classroom G005G.

Register at http://webcentral.uc.edu/hslclass/home.aspx

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Python Workshop at the Health Sciences Library – June 19th

pythonThe HSL will offer an Introduction to Python workshop on Thursday, June 19th from 2:00 – 4:00pm in the HSL Electronic Classroom (G005G).

Come and learn this widely used, general purpose, high-level programming language.  Python is often used as a scripting language for applications such as data processing, parsing and web services.  This workshop will cover the basics of Python, including variables and data types, arrays, dictionaries, operators, conditions, loops, and functions.  The focus will be on the hands-on exercises to help provide a better understanding of Python to the attendees.

No programming experience is necessary. Beginners are encouraged to attend.

Registration is required for this workshop. To register, go to http://webcentral.uc.edu/hslclass/ and locate this workshop.

The Great War Exhibit in Langsam Library

soldierJuly 28th marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I. In commemoration, UC Libraries has created an exhibit on display on the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library. “The Great War: Poems, Movies, Music and Literature Inspired by World War I” showcases the collections of UC Libraries.

Included in the display are references to both popular and classical music to come out of the war such as “Over There,” “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary,” and Benjamin Britten’s “War Requiem.”

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New Health Sciences Distance Learners Guide

Below today’s hours and the enhanced location maps on tLinks to the Distance Learners guide, UCL Workshops, and UC eJournalshe left-side of the redesigned Health Sciences Library website are three images that link to a new guide for health sciences distance learners, a list of workshops offered by UC Libraries, and a list of UC eJournals. The list of workshops and eJournals are familiar features of the HSL website but the Health Sciences Distance Learners guide is new with the website redesign. Continue reading

From the Archives: William A. Altemeier, MD Collection Discovery

Dr. Altemeier PaintingWe received an addition to the William A. Altemeier, MD collection from Dr. Altemeier’s son, William Altemeier III, MD, at the beginning of February. For those of you unfamiliar with the name, Dr. Altemeier is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Dr. Altemeier became the Christian R. Holmes Professor and Chairman of the Department of Surgery in 1952 and served in that position for twenty-six years. His surgical expertise and research led to hundreds of publications on surgical infections and he counted the over one-hundred chief residents which he trained during his tenure with UC as his greatest contribution to medicine.

While many of us remember Dr. Altemeier’s stellar reputation as an educator and a surgeon, we don’t always think of another of his interests – baseball. Included among the items in the recent donation was a Goldman brand baseball score book dating from the mid-1920s. It appears to be a league of local business teams, for which Dr. Altemeier played catcher. These included Fischer Radio and City Transit (see score page below).

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Welcome to the Redesigned UC Libraries Website

While the starting web address of our site remains the same – www.libraries.uc.edu, the navigation and content within the site has changed considerably, so please update any links or bookmarks you may have to the site.



Some of the new features and upgrades of the UC Libraries website redesign include:

  • updated look and feel and an uncluttered homepage with most content viewable without scrolling;
  • user-requested features such as the posting of today’s hours, enhanced location maps and a prominent link to Off-Campus Access from the homepage;
  • new content around the growing subject of digital scholarship has been added, as well as a website dedicated to the Libraries’ Special Collections;
  • core services such as reserves, workshops, interlibrary loan, multimedia equipment lending and the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) are prominently featured;
  • a tabbed search box, available on the left-side of the homepage and throughout on many secondary pages of the site, will allow users to search for articles, books, journals, databases and much more quickly and easily. Users can also access via the homepage research guides available by subject.

Included in the redesign are all college and departmental (C&D) library websites from the Archives to Rare Books Library to the Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, as well as the UC Blue Ash College Library website.

Tell us what you think of the redesigned website. Send comments and questions to http://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/main/contact/feedback.php.