Check out the new Informatics Lab at the Health Sciences Library!

Informatics Lab: A Collaborative Space for Innovation at the Health Sciences Library

The Informatics Lab is designed for innovative and collaborative hands-on learning experiences. It is a place for UC researchers and graduate students to connect, collaborate, and receive research support services. The space includes an iMac and a Windows PC with many visualization, design, and statistical software packages, 4 whiteboard tables and 2 moveable whiteboards for collaborative work.

To reserve the room or suggest software, contact us at

Hours:   Mon.-Fri. 9 AM – 5 PM

Location: E005L (near the back of the E Level of the Health Sciences Library)

Technology and Software


Windows 7:Office,Skype, SPSS,SAS,R, RStudio, Matlab,CLC Main Workbench,Cytoscape, ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoDA, TerraGO Toolbar, Satscan, EpiInfo, 7zip,Notepad++,Python + scipy + NumPy IGV,MySQL Workbench, Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro, InDesign, InCopy, Dreamweaver, FlashPro/Builder, Acrobat Pro, Audition, Bridge, Animate, Prelude, Fireworks)

OSX:Office, Skype, SPSS, SAS, R, RStudio, Matlab, CLC Main Workbench, Cytoscape,QGIS, GeoDA, TerraGO Toolbar, Satscan, EpiInfo, TextMate, The Unarchiver, Python + scipy + NumPy IGV, MySQL workbench, Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro, InDesign, InCopy, Dreamweaver, FlashPro/Builder, Acrobat Pro, Audition, Bridge, Animate, Prelude, Fireworks)

Equipment: 1 iMac,1 PC,1 AirMedia unit for wireless presentation from any mobile device,4 whiteboard tables, 2 standing whiteboards, 1 wall-mounted white board, 1 3D printer (coming in the future)

More information is available at

New Research Guides Platform!

Does the research guide you use regularly suddenly look different?  It is different – the research guides changed platforms and design!

In addition to the new look and feel, the Health Sciences Library Research Guides now have a responsive design, enhanced browsing functionality and are more user friendly for tablet and mobile phone users.  These changes and more incorporate accessibility design features required for any University of Cincinnati web pages and 3rd party web based products.  Find out more about accessibility requirements at UC.

Check out the new Health Sciences Library Research Guides design at and share your thoughts with us at



DynaMed Plus is Now Available!





The UC Health Sciences Library now has access to DynaMed Plus™.  Get answers to your clinical questions fast—try it here.

DynaMed Plus, the next-generation, evidence-based clinical information resource is written by a world-class team of physicians. A rigorous evidence-based editorial process provides synthesized information and objective analysis to answer your clinical questions quickly and easily.

DynaMed Plus features: Continue reading

CRCnetBASE: a Science, Technology, and Medicine eBook Platform

CRCnetBASE provides a comprehensive e-book collection in over 350 subject areas and more than 40 collections.  Browse or search across the collection for your science, technology, or medical topic.  Check out the collections below.

CRCnetBASE Biomedical Science Collection

CRCnetBASE Environmental Engineering Collection

CRCnetBASE Environmental Science Collection

CRCnetBASE Ergonomics & Human Factors Collection

CRCnetBASE Life Science Collection

CRCnetBASE Medicine Collection

CRCnetBASE Nutrition Collection

CRCnetBASE Occupational Health & Safety

CRCnetBASE Pharmaceutical Science & Regulation Collection

CRCnetBASE Statistics Collection

Find CRCnetBASE collections via the online catalog or via the HSL eBook page.

SciFinder: Use “Other Sources” link to locate full-text

New name for full-text link in SciFinder

Important tip & update for SciFinder users! The database has changed its former “Full Text” links to the non-intuitive phrases “Other Sources” and “Link to Other Sources” on the brief and full record displays, respectively. The links still function the same as before, but are now represented by these new phrases.  Contact Ted Baldwin with questions, or 513-556-4211.


Brief display (results list):
screen snap of other sources button


Full record display (after clicking on article title):
screen snap of other sources button

“Life of the Mind” Lecture Series Returns March 26 with Dr. Jeffrey Whitsett Presenting

logo_lifeofmind15UC President Santa J. Ono will moderate the discussion on the theme of “Technology and Innovation in Medicine.”

Life of the Mind, interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty, will return March 26, 4-5:30pm in TUC 400ABC with a lecture by Jeffrey Whitsett, MD, professor of pediatrics in the College of Medicine, as well as co-director of the Perinatal Institute and chief of neonatology, perinatal and pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Life of the Mind is a semi-annual lecture series that features a distinguished University of Cincinnati faculty member presenting his or her work and expertise. A panel of three responds to and discusses the lecture from diverse perspectives. The series includes intriguing insights from diverse perspectives and encourages faculty and students from across UC to engage in further discourse. The presentation is not simply a recitation of the faculty member’s work but promotes an informed point of view. Continue reading

Don Jason Named Alumnus of the Year

djasonCongratulations to UC Libraries’ Don Jason for being named Alumnus of the Year from the Information Architecture Knowledge Management program at Kent State University’s School of Library and Information Science. We are proud to have you among our ranks!

Don is the Clinical Informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library. Read more about Don and the work of his fellow UC Libraries’ informationists in a recent Source article.

UC Libraries’ Tiffany Grant to Attend Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course

tjgphotoTiffany Grant, research informationist in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, has been accepted into the Georgia Biomedical Informatics course to be held April 12-18, 2015.

Organized by the National Library of Medicine, this week-long survey course is designed to familiarize individuals with the application of computer technologies and information science in biomedicine and health science. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on computer exercises, participants will be introduced to the conceptual and technical components of biomedical informatics. Acceptance into the course is a competitive process. Kristen Burgess, UC Libraries’ assistant director for research and informatics, attended previously.

Continue reading

March 5th Webinar: NCBI and the NIH Public Access Policy

On Thursday, March 5, 2015 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST, NCBI will host a webinar outlining how to use My NCBI to report public access policy compliance for NIH grant holders.  Topics include:

  • The NIH Public Access Policy
  • The NIHMS and PubMed Central submissions
  • Creating My NCBI accounts
  • Use of My Bibliography to report compliance to eRA Commons
  • Using SciENcv to create biosketches
