Are You A Fan of the Renovated Langsam Classroom? The Bearcat Is.

BearcatThis summer, Langsam Library classroom 462 was renovated to improve functionality and to provide new capabilities for both students and instructors.

The renovated learning classroom has been enlarged and features a curved, glass wall for added visibility. New modular furniture and six large display screens connected to a main projection screen allow for flexible and responsive collaboration opportunities. Wireless access provides for seamless connectivity to the Internet with laptops.

The renovations to Langsam 462 are part of a university pilot project to create an active learning classroom. Four UC professors are using and testing the enhanced learning classroom this semester and providing feedback for use in planning similar spaces across campus.

The Bearcat visited the learning classroom recently and gave it two paws up.

Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an An Update from Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang on the Implementation of our Strategic Plan, a Celebration of William Shakespeare and an interview with Lori Harris, NLM Associate Fellow. There are articles about two exciting spaces in the Health Sciences Library – the new Informatics Lab and the newly named Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space, as well as a list of fall events in UC Libraries. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.

Self-Service Overhead Digitization Comes to Langsam

UC Digital Archivist Eira Tansey digitizes a book using her smartphone.

UC Digital Archivist Eira Tansey digitizes a book using her smartphone.

Have you ever been in the library and wanted to digitize a few pages from a book? Have you ever been working at the photocopier wishing you could be getting digital images and not paper copies?

Resulting image from Digital Archivist Eira Tansey's smartphone.

Resulting image from Digital Archivist Eira Tansey’s smartphone.

UC Libraries is conducting a pilot to determine the level of interest in self-service overhead digitization. In collaboration with UC carpenters, we have designed a prototype Bring You Own Device self-service digitization station. It is currently located next to the photocopiers and is easy to use.

Results from Self-Service Overhead Digitization

Other results from Self-Service Overhead Digitization

Simply walk up, lay your object on the table surface and place your smartphone on the clear platform. Use your camera app to start taking pictures. The station includes information on free apps that will OCR the images for you.

Please be sure to note your usage in the log attached to the station. Future decisions on this and other options for self-service overhead digitization will use this data!

Renovations Underway on the Fourth Floor of Langsam Library.

service desk sketch

Sketch of new service desk.

Students starting classes Monday will be met with construction and an enhanced classroom in Langsam Library.

Once completed, the renovations will provide more collaborative, flexible and comfortable work spaces to do research and to study in Langsam, as well as offer improved access to enhanced technology. Work began this summer with the renovation of the Langsam classroom 462 and will continue throughout the fall semester on the fourth floor of the library.

As a result of the construction, The Desk@Langsam (the main service desk) has been moved to just beyond the main staircase. Signs and way finding lead users to the temporary desk location. All other Langsam Library services and spaces remain open and available for use at this time.

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UC Libraries Welcome Bearcats!

LangsamUC’s Welcome Week kicked off Wednesday, August 19 as new students began moving in. UC Libraries is part of the weekend festivities to acclimate students to campus.

Stop by Langsam Library Saturday and Sunday, August 22 & 23 from noon-5pm for lemonade, cookies AND a free print of your class schedule.

Visit any of the three Science Libraries (College of Engineering and Applied Science, Geology-Mathematics-Physics, Chemistry-Biology) from 1-5pm on Sunday for treats, beverages and brief tours of the libraries. 

Welcome to UC Libraries.

Making Music (Videos) in the STRC

strc music video

UC students are using the green room and equipment available in the STRC to film a music video as part of a class assignment.

Sarah, Melanie, Lauren and Heather, students in the course “Time Design 2,” a graphic arts class in the College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning, were assigned to make a music video for a local band called Little Lights.

The Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), located on the fourth floor of Langsam Library, is a student-centered service area designed to provide instructional technology resources, assistance, technology and equipment to students working on course assignments.

View videos produced in the STRC on their YouTube channel.

The STRC is funded in part by Information and Technology Instructional Equipment fees.



Check Out the Latest Issue of Source

sourceRead Source, the online newsletter, to learn more about the news, events, people and happenings in UC Libraries.

This latest issue of Source includes an An Update from Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang on a Busy Year, as well as announcements of two events – the June 24th public book signing for the Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 Diplomatic Mission to Asia and an exhibit showcasing the fine work of The Preservation Lab. There is an article highlighting renovation plans for library spaces, as well as how the Libraries are welcoming the newest Bearcats to campus. Read these articles and more.

Source is available on the web at and via e-mail. To receive Source via e-mail, contact to be added to the mailing list.