Documenting India: Day 1

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: During our first day in India, we visited the former home and final resting place of Gandhi. We also made friends with a snake and went to a Muslim mosque

Documenting India: A Layover in Paris

Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a UC class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project. This is a return trip for Jay as he traveled with this same class in spring 2014. He is applying lessons learned from that trip to make the student’s experience an even better one.

Over the course of their trip, Jay will share on this blog some of his observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay: On our way to India, we stopped in Paris for a 28-hour layover. Tired as we were, we still made time to see the sights of Paris — and enjoy some wonderful food.

‘Preserving the Past for the Future’ Exhibit Showcases work of Preservation Lab

In January of 2012, the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (PLCH) and the University of Cincinnati Libraries (UCL) began a long-term collaboration to provide conservation and preservation treatments in an equally-managed, staffed and equipped preservation lab located in UC’s Walter C. Langsam Library.

Employees from both PLCH and UCL work on the general circulating and rare/special collections of each institution. The division of labor for all work performed by the Preservation Lab is divided evenly between UCL and PLCH and is tracked using a weighted point system.

A new exhibit, “Preserving the Past for the Future,” showcases the work done by the Preservation Lab on some rare/special items from both PLCH and UCL. Items in the exhibit range from photo albums to bridge reports to scrapbooks. The exhibit demonstrates both before and after images of the treatment done to the objects and explains the process. The exhibit was curated by Jessica Ebert, conservation technician, and designed by Amanda Jackson, communications co-op design student. The online exhibit was created by Lisa Haitz, web developer.

Below is the exhibit in its entirety. The physical exhibit is currently on display on Langsam Library’s 5th floor lobby.

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Study 24/7 in Langsam Library During Exams

owlCramming for an exam? Need a safe, quiet place to study?

Langsam Library space will be opened 24/7 beginning noon on Sunday, April 19 through Wednesday, April 29. Regular hours will resume 8am on Thursday, April 30.

To enter the library after regular hours, students must do so via the 5th floor UCit@Langsam card-swipe entrance (a valid UC ID is required). Continue reading

UC Libraries Hosting First THATCamp University of Cincinnati May 4-6

that camp

Join UC Libraries for THATCamp University of Cincinnati, an unconference, which is an open meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels and interests gather to learn and to build together in sessions proposed on the spot. By practice, THATCamps are open and online. Participants make sure to share their notes, documents, pictures and other materials from discussions before and after the event on the Web and via social media. Continue reading

Coming Up: Student Panel on Study Abroad Experiences

studyabroadAre you going on a study abroad tour soon or thinking about a program sometime on the future? If so, there is an opportunity to learn from UC students who have studied abroad. 




What: student panel focusing on skills, attitudes, and resources, which help make the most of a study abroad experience. This panel is part of the UC Libraries’ efforts to increase cross-cultural understanding and foster student academic success. It is funded by the Diversity Challenge Grant.

 Who: UC students who participated in a variety of study abroad experiences. Moderator:  Kevin Grace, Head of Archives and Rare Books Department, who has taught many Honors courses and taken students abroad on several occasions.

 When: Tuesday, April 14th at noon.

 Where: 480 Langsam Library.

 Lunch will be served. RSVP to Please indicate if you have special dietary needs.

 Image source: TheStudyAbroadBlog



Hungry?! Come to the Edible Books Festival April 1

Edible BooksOnce again, the University of Cincinnati Libraries will celebrate the International Edible Books Festival with an event scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st from 1-2 p.m., on the 5th floor lobby of Langsam Library.

At the event, nearly 20 participants will present their edible creations that represent a book in some form. There are few restrictions in creating an edible book – namely that the creation be edible and have something to do with a book. Submitted entries include edible titles such as Lemons: A Global History. Classic books Fahrenheit 451 and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are represented along with nonfiction works with Commentaries on the Laws of England and Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box. Contemporary fiction such as Wild and favorite children’s books Where the Wild Things Are, Green Eggs and Ham and Click, Clack Moo are among other literary greats at the festival. Continue reading

Next Up in the Digital Humanities Speaker Series: Dr. Alex Gil

Alex Gil

Alex Gil

UC Libraries is thrilled to welcome Dr. Alex Gil to campus Monday, April 6, 2015 as the second expert in our Digital Humanities Speaker Series. He will present a series of talks, all free and open to the public, to be held in 480 Langsam Library.

  • 10:00-11:30am: “Setting up Playgrounds for the Digital Humanities: Strategies to Foster and Support Digital Humanities Activities and Communities” (followed by a lunch reception)
  • 12:45-1:45pm: “Breaking the Code: The Developing Librarian Project at Columbia University Libraries” (targeted for library faculty and staff, but all are welcome)
  • 2:00-3:30pm: Keynote: “Hacking Light, Crossing Borders: Building Transnational Communities in Digital Scholarship and the Case of GO::DH” (reception to follow in 480)

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