Need to Checkout an iPad?

iPad checkout

Checking out an iPad at TheDesk@Langsam

In partnership with UC Student Government, UC Libraries now has iPads available for checkout by UC students.

The Desk@Langsam has 10 iPads available for checkout. Students can call to book an iPad (513) 556-1424 or visit The Desk@Langsam on the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library to request one. Booking in advance is highly recommended to ensure availability. The iPads can be checked out for five days, with one renewal if the iPad is not requested by another user.

The iPads are 16GB and Wi-Fi enabled. An Apple ID is recommended, but not required for use. The iPads are pre-loaded with several UC and other productivity apps, including UC Mobile, Mobile Learn (Canopy) and VMware View (access to UC Virtual Lab).  In addition, the iPads can be populated with personalized apps via any user Apple ID.

Visit TheDesk@Langsam today to checkout an iPad.

10/9 High-Performance Computing Workshops: Ohio Supercomputer Center

Ohio Supercomputer Center




UCIT and UC Libraries are partnering with the Ohio Supercomputer Center to offer two High Performance Computing (HPC) workshops on Thursday Oct. 9 in 475 Langsam Library (UC west campus).

Interested researchers, students and staff can register at

Introduction to High Performance Computing at OSC, 9:00am-12:00pm

Topics will include:

  • HPC concepts
  • Hardware and Software available at OSC
  • Getting allocations and accounts
  • How to connect and log in
  • How to move data on and off the systems
  • Introduction to batch processing
  • Storage and file systems

Conquering the OSC Batch Environment, 1:00pm-5:00pm

Topics will include:

  • The basics:  Batch Environment, batch file format, job submission, job status, return files
  • Optional resources:  Nodes, cores, memory, accelerators, processing time, software, etc.
  • Our virtual waiting room:  The PBS batch system
  • How to manage jobs
  • How to use batch jobs to perform parallel processing
  • Useful environment variables related specifically to the batch system.

Any questions can be directed to Jane Combs, UCIT (Research and Development), or Ted Baldwin, UC Libraries (Science and Engineering Libraries),

UC Libraries Launch Source Online

Newsletter, first published in 2002, contains the latest news and happenings from UC Libraries.

sourceUC Libraries is transforming  technology, people, space and information resources to “become the globally engaged, intellectual commons of the university – positioning ourselves as the hub of collaboration, digital innovation and scholarly endeavor on campus.”

It is in this spirit of transformation that we are changing the way in which we deliver Source to our readers. The online newsletter will still contain the latest information about the organization, people, places and happenings in UC Libraries, but will no longer be produced in print. By moving Source online, we are able to reach a greater number of readers on various devices – computers, phones, tablets and more.

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Cincinnati’s Bathtub Hoax and a Missing Giant Tub

By:  Kevin Grace


H.L. Mencken

In 1917, the noted journalist and philologist H.L. Mencken published an article in the New York Evening Mail concerning the history of the bathtub in the United States.  According to the Baltimore writer, known as much for his satire and acerbic wit as he was for his political reporting, Cincinnati was home to this tub.  Mencken asserted that America’s first bathtub was introduced on December 20, 1842 by Adam Thompson who lived, in all places, Cincinnati, Ohio.    Made of mahogany and lined with lead, the vessel was introduced by Thompson to his guests at a Christmas party, described how it worked, and invited the partygoers to take a dip.  Four of them took him up on his offer, and the next day the invention was widely reported in the press. Continue reading

Looking for a Good Book? New Popular Reading Collection in Langsam Library

popcollectionwebHave you read the latest Stephen King novel? Are you excited for the Gone Girl movie and want to reread the Gillian Flynn best seller? Now you can check out these popular titles and more in Langsam Library courtesy of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County.

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Welcome Bearcats


Dean Xuemao Wang (center) with UC students.

UC’s Welcome Weekend kicked off Wednesday, August 20 as new students began moving in. UC Libraries is part of the weekend festivities.

Stop by Langsam Library Saturday and Sunday, August 23 & 24 from noon-5pm for lemonade & cookies AND a free print of your class schedule.

Visit any of our 10 library locations August 21 through September 7 and  enter your name in a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 10 flash drives. Entry forms are available at the public service desks in each library.

Welcome to UC Libraries.



Business Library Rated 8th in Top 30 List

businesswebUC’s Internet Business and Economics Library was ranked 8th amongst “the 30 most impressive university business school libraries” according to Business Research Guide, a public website that provides expert reviews and insight into technologies, products and services, and career and education options.

The site selected the library for recognition because of its “top collections for business research comprised of traditional print resources, government publication materials, e-books, journals and databases. In addition to providing library patrons with research assistance and study space, the library also offers a number of resources for off-campus researchers and distance learners.”

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Sitting Smart in Langsam Library

annafurniture3New lounge furniture provides more varied study options.

Langsam Library is one of the busiest places on campus. Students take advantage of every corner of the building when looking for a place to study. With the goal of providing more comfortable yet practical places for students to work and study, we have added new lounge furniture to the 4th floor of Langsam Library. The modular furniture provides a variety of seating options — booths, benches and individual seats — as well as built-in outlets for plugging in laptops. Students are already making good use of the new furniture in the short time it has been available.

Come study in Langsam Library!
