Documenting India: First Night


Over Spring Break, Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project.

Over the course of their trip, Jay and the students will share on this blog some of their observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay:

We meet with 3 of the Non-Government Organizations (NGO) .  Then went for a car ride to one of the main brothel areas of Delhi.  No picture taking was allowed for fear of starting riot, and for our own safety.

Also went to diner at a Indian restaurant (the host).

Documenting India: Getting There and Day 1

Over Spring Break, Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), is traveling with a class to provide media support as they record testimonials as part of their class project.

Over the course of their trip, Jay and the students will share on this blog some of their observations, images and video from their travels. Check back often…

From Jay:

Getting There:paris

We had some excitement at the CVG airport when one of the students arrived at checking with only 30 seconds to spare . I pleaded at the gate to hold off she will be here . I explained how important making the plane was for her. I think I bought her some time.  Then in Paris airport one student did not have her second boarding pass.  Everyone was already through security except her and I so we wandered around the airport looking for the ticket agents.  Found it and got back to the group about half hour later. Pictured here is us at the Paris airport.

deli delhiDay 1:

We went to a traditional outside market place in Delhi.  Other picture is lobby of hotel room the royal plaza.

Elliston Poetry Reading, March 14, 2014, Dana Levin

The next reading in the Elliston Reading Series will be by poet Dana Levin.

March 14, 2014, 4:00 PM, Elliston Poetry Room, 646 Langsam Library

Dana Levin’s first book, In the Surgical Theatre, was awarded the 1999 American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize and went on to receive nearly every award available to first books and emerging poets. Copper Canyon Press brought out her second book, Wedding Day, in 2005, and in 2011 her most recent, Sky Burial, which The New Yorker called “utterly her own and utterly riveting.” She has received numerous fellowships and awards, including those from the National Endowment for the Arts, PEN, the Witter Bynner Foundation and the Library of Congress, as well as the Rona Jaffe, Whiting and Guggenheim Foundations. A teacher of creative writing and literature for over twenty years, Levin currently co-chairs the Creative Writing and Literature Department at Santa Fe University of Art and Design.

Look for recordings of this presentation soon in the digital collection, The Elliston Project: Poetry Readings and Lectures at the University of Cincinnati.

Learn more about Events sponsored by the Elliston Poetry Fund.

Elliston Poetry Reading, March 12, 2014, Sarah Arvio

The next reading in the Elliston Reading Series will be by poet Sarah Arvio.

March 12, 2014, 4:00 PM, Elliston Poetry Room, 646 Langsam Library

Sarah Arvio’s latest book is night thoughts: 70 dream poems & notes from an analysis, a hybrid work:  poetry, essay, memoir.  Her earlier books of poems are Visits from the Seventh and Sono: cantos. She has won the Rome Prize and the Bogliasco and Guggenheim fellowships, among other honors.  For many years a translator for the United Nations in New York and Switzerland, she has also taught poetry at Princeton.  She now lives in Maryland, by the Chesapeake Bay.

Look for recordings of this presentation soon in the digital collection, The Elliston Project: Poetry Readings and Lectures at the University of Cincinnati.

Learn more about Events sponsored by the Elliston Poetry Fund.

UCBA Library Fun Facts: Favorite Apps

Question: What’s your favorite app?


Heather Maloney, Library Director:
The PLCH (Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County) app of course!



Lauren Wahman, Instruction Librarian:
PLCH (Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County)




Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian:
As a twitter addict, I have to say the Twitter app is one of my 4faves. But I also love the 30/30 productivity app. And there are some AMAZING travel apps I love to use.



Michelle McKinney, Reference/Web Services Librarian: PhotoCircle. Create a “circle”; invite other people to join it and everyone can upload and see photos instantly. Great when you want to share a photo with a specific group of people.



Tammy Manger, Public Services Manager:
My phone is ancient…never used one.




Chris Marshall, Public Services Assistant:
Not an APP user.  🙁




Rachel Lewis, Technical Services Manager:

The Elliston Project Digital Archive Poetics Workshop, March 29, 2014

In May of 2013, we received a UC Faculty Development Council Grant to run a series of five workshops in order to help us determine the best ways to use The Elliston Digital Audio Archive for instruction and research. The fourth of these lectures will take place on March 29, 2014 and will be led by Michael Hennessey. This workshop will examine creative opportunities for poets and others writers.

Continue reading

Elliston Alumni Fiction Reading, March 7, 2014, Joseph Bates and David James Poissant

The next reading in the Elliston Reading Series will be by alumni authors Joseph Bates and David James Poissant.

March 7, 2014, 4:00 PM, Elliston Poetry Room, 646 Langsam Library

Joseph Bates is the author of Tomorrowland: Stories and The Nighttime Novelist. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in such journals as New Ohio Review, Identity Theory, South Carolina Review, The Cincinnati Review, and Shenandoah. He teaches in the creative writing program at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

David James Poissant’s first story collection, The Heaven of Animals, will be published by Simon & Schuster in March 2014. His stories have appeared in The Atlantic, Playboy, One Story, The Southern Review, Ploughshares, New Stories from the South, and Best New American Voices. He teaches in the MFA program at the University of Central Florida and is at work on a novel, Class, Order Family, also forthcoming from Simon & Schuster.

Look for recordings of this presentation soon in the digital collection, The Elliston Project: Poetry Readings and Lectures at the University of Cincinnati.

Learn more about Events sponsored by the Elliston Poetry Fund.

What is digital humanities anyway?

What Is Digital Humanities?

Jason Heppler, Academic Technology Specialist in the Department of History at Stanford University and historian of the North American West, created a project/website simply called It’s goal is simple: To provide perpetual answers to the perpetual question.

“Digital history provides historians new ways to think about historical causation and events through new research methods and visualizations (”.

Hi, I’m Jason.